•30• Dinner •30•

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Y/n's p.o.v

It looks like since we buried Flapjack, Hunter was doing so much better.
He just needed that closure, I guess.

Travelling around the boiling Isles was so much easier with Spirit.
The rebuilding was going extremely well, and I think it will take us less years than we originally expected.

Luz was also working hard here with the collector to make a stable portal to in the old shack at the Human realm.
She also went through my plans and suggested to add a few more archs in the structures and some other human techniques.

So here I was today, going to all building sites and explaining why archs are necessary according to human architecture.

"So... got it?"

"Sure, whatever you say, boss."

Pff. 'Boss'. So weird.

"Hey kid! I've been looking for you."
Eda appeared out of nowhere.
I noticed that she was wearing Raine's earing. Hehe.

"What can I do for you, Owl lady?"
I smiled.

"Oh, nothing. Though Raine and I are VERY disappointed."
She scoffed, though she wasn't truly mad.
"My old man told me you tested the new palistorm trees, and the least we expected was for you to come running and show it to us."

"Well, I've been busy, sorry."
I chuckled.

"Well, you better come to the owl house tonight for dinner, Raine and I won't accept a 'no'."

"Aye Aye, Eda!"
I saluted.
"By the way, love the hook."

"Oh, this little thing? Yeah, I'm rocking this pirate look."
She waved her hooked arm around.
"Anyway, I'm going. See you tonight."

And with that, she was off.

I felt Spirit nudging at me.
"Yes, yes. I'm going back to work."
I sighed and summoned the staff, checking the map for my next stop.


It was getting dark as I finally returned to our shelter.

"G'Evening, Hun."
I held back a yawn.
"Wanna come to dinner at... huh?"

He wasn't here, weird.


I saw Waffles with a note in her beak.

Hey love, I'm staying with the carvers tonight, I hope it's okay.
I'll see you tomorrow night♡

"Alright, tell him I wish him well."
I told the bird before it flew away.

I read the note again and couldn't help but get flustered.

Since when does he call me that?

Spirit swooshed by me.
He is being bold.
And I need to, too.

I slipped out of my work overoll and changed into casual, slightly nicer clothes.
I summoned Spirit's staff and flew to the owl house.

"You know, Spirit? Once I couldn't handle flying. Hun literally glued my hand to a stuff so I won't have to fear for my life.
He miscalculated the gluing time, though.
...These were a few awkward moments of waiting for the staff fall off my hand."

Spirit made a strange noise.

"I promise not to glue anything to you."
I sighed, smiling.


A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now