•6• His right-hand •6•

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Hahaha Raine be knowing stuff that they don't

Y/n's p.o.v

The sun was up in the sky when we arrived back to the castle.

I paced back and forth in my room, thinking about the crazy night we just had while failing to get the palisman.

I released my braid and let my hair sway every time I turned around.

Gosh, I should've came with Hunter to the emperor. He is dealing alone with the consequences of a mission *I* put in motion!

I heard a knock on my door.
This must be Hunter.

"Oh, Raine!"
I smiled at them.

"Hello! Just passing by, saying hi."
They smiled back as I let them in.
"The emperor dismissed everyone while he is talking with the golden guard."

I gulped in nervousness.

"Huh? What's wrong, Y/n?"

"Well... um... he is in trouble and it's kinda my fault..."
I mumbled, feeling uneasy.

"Your fault?"
Raine didn't understand.

I know I can trust them, so I told them everything in short. About how frustrated the golden guard was so I found the palisman, how it went wrong and we crushed, how Kiki was trying to kill him...

I told Raine about the human and that the golden guard reveal his name and that we saw each other's faces and...

The info I didn't tell was Hunter's name, his age and the fact that he is powerless.
I just mentioned that he opened up to us.

Raine said.
"But the golden guard's right. You are upset and you blame yourself for something that is not your fault."

"I guess you are right..."
I looked away.

"But Y/n, you didn't spill the tea,"
They put on a mischievous smile.
"I know that he is young, perhaps even your age. What do you think about him?"

"What do you mean?"
I was puzzled.

"What do YOU think about HIM.
Is he nice? Cute? Kind? Handsome? Is he secretly a softie? Perfect boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon, Y/n, I saw the way you smile when you talk about him. You obviously like him."
They grinned.

Did I really smile THAT mach?
I didn't even notice.
"What are you IMPLYING?"

"Oops, I have to go. But take a look in the mirror, will you?"
They left with a teasing smile before I could say anything else.

I glanced at my mirror, seeing that my face had a tint of pink.

What the-
What is happening to me?

I am not really sure what 'love' is and prankly, I don't care. It was never relevant in my life.

I heard the knob turning on the door next to mine. Alright, this is DEFINITELY him.

I put my mask on just in case and went out. The coast was clear, but the golden door was almost shut. I put my leg in the doorway before it closed.
"Hunter, can we talk?"

"Y/n? Come in, come in."

I went inside and closed the door behind me to give us privacy.

Hunter was holding a dirty, beaten up mask from his uniform. He put is aside and put a spare one on his nightstand.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now