•1• Hoot hoot •1•

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A failed mission and a nightmare-ish birb...

Y/n's p.o.v

Three months.
I've been here for three months.

I finger gunned my reflection in the mirror, looking at myself wearing the emperor's coven uniform.

I haven't done much, just getting used to my schedule. Waking up early, getting ready, having a quick grab from the guards' kitchen and patrolling the castle with a short break in between until late at night. Maybe sometimes having a quick words exchange with the other scouts.
They are extremely nice, really.

I like the system we have; since we all look the same and our voices are muffled by the masks, we just call each other 'Steve'. It's a general name, yeah. And maybe it's someone's actual name, who knows? But that's not a concern. It's very funny, overall. Even some of the higher ranked emperor servants call us 'Steve'.

I don't get to see Raine a lot, maybe sometimes in the hallways, but they did come to congratulate me after I passed the tests and joined the emperor's coven.
Hell, it wasn't easy. The mazes with traps, the survival on top of the mountains...
I shivered at the thought.

The only thing that kept me pushing through was my determination to prove myself and that I AM worth something, powerless or not.

I put on my mask and exited my small and humble room to start my shift at the castle's entrance hallway. Two scouts stood by the heavy, decorated doors while me and another guard stood by the wall on each side.

Not even ten minutes later, the doors violently opened, hitting and knocking out both of the guards there. I held my spear, ready to defend the-

The other scout by the wall ran up to the visitor.

"Steve! Oh my, what happened?"
I approached, worried.
Steve was covered in leaves, dirt and bruises.

"We need some backup,"
Steve huffed out, collapsing into Steve's arms.
"Abort the owl house..."
Steve whispered before passing out.

"Steve, go!"
Steve immediately told me.
"I'll take care of Steve."

I nodded, pushing through the heavy doors and out of the castle.
I took the shortcut through the woods and ran as fast as I could.

All these weeks reading every book I could find and memorising countless of maps finally pay it off.

As I approached, I felt something grab my leg. It was Steve, with a torn cape and... a pink skirt and a crown...?

"This... cr-creature... is... crazy..."
Steve coughed out before passing out.

My adrenaline went up. This is intense.
I have no plan, and my first mission ever is against a hell's ruthless creature...

Lilith dropped by next to me.

I glanced up at the creature. It was a tube coming out of the house's door.

"Hoot hoot! New friend!"
The owl had said in the most friendliest of voices before launching forwards at me.

I freaked out and manged to dodge it last-minute. While the tube was still above me, the head turned downwards and tried to get me again. I jumped to the side, almost falling on my face.


What. The. Fuck.

I threw my spear at it with all my might. It bounced right back at me.

"Hoooooootie hooooooot!!!"
The creature's head appeared from the ground next to me so I kicked it straight in the face.

"OWWW! That's not nice!!"
The creature complained and I hurried to Lilith.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now