•13• The final obstacle •13•

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Oh damnnnn the day of unityyyyy
Y/n pls forgive Hunterrr
Also the events of 'King's tide'

Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up, feeling wind in my hair.
Oh, right. We are in a ship.
Trying to save Luz.

I am worried for her.
Luz's last encounter with the emperor wasn't as well, so I'm told.

I set up. I noticed I was covered in a blanket. I took it off.
I noticed the palisman nearby were freezing. I gently covered them.

King was sleeping in Willow's lap.
Amity set in the corner, worried about her girlfriend. Gus inspected some tool he had.

Hunter was in front of the ship, trying to consult Alador.

I couldn't decide if I was upset or embarrassed.
Yes, I am thankful that Hunter is alright and well. I am upset he didn't tell me about the switch. I am embarrassed he saw me falling apart, literally pouring my heart out.
I decided to sit in silence for now, since I didn't have anything to do.

"I know how to fly a ship."
Alador scoffed as Hunter attempted to help.

"Then fly faster! We're barely halfway there. Luz could be in trouble!"
Amity called out in desperation.

"Maybe if I took the wheel..."
Hunter offered.

"Very eager to return to Belos, eh, Golden Guard?"

"At least I've never built him an army!

"Watch your tone with me, young man."
Alador scolded, letting go of the wheel.
The whole ship started turning.

"Hey, here's a bright idea: don't distract the pilot!"
Gus complained.

"He started it!"
Hunter shot back.

Alador, Hunter, Gus and Amity all started to fight and yell at each other.
All Willow, King and I could do was to sit aside and sadly observe.

"I can't believe she's gonna face Belos alone again. And I'm powerless to help her. We can't even manage to help each other."
King sighed.
I pet him in comfort.

Willow signalled to her palisman.
The animals pushed forwards a box of food supplies, catching everyone's attention. Non of us noticed how hungry we were.

"Look, we're all exhausted and terrified. Let's focus our energy on helping Luz instead of fighting each other."
Amity sighed and they all agreed.
Alador kindly let Hunter take the wheel as he went to eat with his daughter.

I ate very slowly.
I wasn't that hungry but I knew I needed to eat since it's been too long.

Alador went back to the wheel.
Someone set next to me.

"You are up,"
Hunter smiled awkwardly, grabbing some bread. I nodded, looking away.

He sighed.
"I'm sorry, the last thing I wanted was to offend you. It just happened so fast, and I wanted to help. I finally gained their trust, so..."

I didn't reply. Hunter looked at me, trying to make eye-contact, but I couldn't.

"About... about what you said-"

"-I don't want to talk about it."
I looked at my food, finally talking.

"A-Alright. Sorry."
He apologised again, looking saddened.
Maybe I am too harsh on him.
But I can't get myself to talk.

"Can I... um..."
Hunter hesitantly put his hand on mine.
I didn't stop him.

I looked at the sky around us. We were approaching the castle.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now