•14• Feels new •14•

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Y/n's p.o.v

"So... 'Vee', was it?"
I asked the creature that was sitting in the dinner table next to me.

"A basilisk, right? I read about your kind. Brilliant creatures."

"U-Um, yeah..."
She replied nervously.
"I... see you are a part of the emperor's coven... hehehe..."

"No! No I'm not. I left."
I hid my sigil away.
"Don't be afraid of Hunter or I. A lot of stuff was hidden from us and we do not see eye to eye with Belos."
I assured her.

I glanced at Hunter. He was talking to Luz in a nearby room.

"That's good to know,"
Vee was relieved.

"I didn't mean to alarm you, having conversations with decent beings is still quite new to me."

Vee giggled. I smiled.

Luz and Hunter joined us at the dining table. He shyly shifted his seat closer to mine, looking down nervously.

"We should keep the clone thing a secret for now, alright?"
He whispered in my ear in a way that nobody could even see him mouth it.
It made me flustered.

I nodded, completely agreeing.
We don't know how us being grimwalkers effects us and we don't know how others would react, considering our relationship with our friends is still building trust.
We will tell them when we are ready.

"Okay, so in the Demon Realm, you fought the evil Emperor Belos who turned into a monster..."
Camila tries to understand.

"Well, he started out human."
Gus said.
I straightened up. Even I didn't know this.

"Right, but he was defeated by a newer, smaller bad guy?"

"The Collector. We don't know what he is or how Belos found him."
Willow told her.

"WHO KNOWS if we'll ever figure that out??? But they're creating a lot of chaos."
Luz commented rather strangely.

"We have to do whatever it takes to get back."
Amity concluded.

"And you will. But for now, you should all rest. You're all safe here."
Camila reassured us. The comforting vibe she gave off was heartwarming.

If was getting late, and the sleeping arrangements were getting concluded as she brought spare pillows and blankets.

"The boys will share the basement and Luz and Vee can share a room with Amity and Willow, but... I'm afraid there's no other space with the girls, Y/n."
Camila carried the last mattress.

"So Y/n's with us? Awesome!
You can tell me EVERYTHING about your fighting skills!"
Gus was ecstatic while Hunter hid behind the sleeping bag he was carrying.

"It's so weird to me that someone as young as you served in an army."
Camila sighed.
"But I suppose you had to deal with worse sleeping conditions..."

"Don't worry about that, Mrs.
This is more than enough. Thank you so much for your care."
I took the mattress and followed the boys down to the basement.
Flapjack was resting inside a cage.

"Gus is the only one short enough to fit the couch, so..."
Hunter trailed off.

Gus was offended, but then gave it a second thought.
"...whatever. couches are cool."

"Do you want the sleeping bag?"
Hunter offered as he spread it next to the couch. He examined it closely, the material was different than what we had in the boiling Isle.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now