•28• Wood •28•

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I don't know if I like this chapter, it's too stressful :(

Hunter's p.o.v (woah when was the last time we had his p.o.v-)

I woke up in our shelter alone, as Y/n already left for her duties.

I instinctively looked at the makeshift window. The habit still stuck to me from the time in the castle. Flapjack would always wait for me at the window.

Nothing can ever replace Flap.

I stared at the piece of palistorm wood, sitting patiently on our table, waiting to be carved.

I feel odd when holding it.
I am so conflicted, I can't put my finger on it. This wood holds the light and essence of my friend, yet it instills such horror in me, to know it was used by an evil man to create grimwalkers, disposable servents.

I forced myself to get ready and walk outside. Being stuck with my thoughts is the last thing I need right now.

Maybe... just maybe, carving a new palisman is what I need to do to move on.
I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted me to stay miserable forever, this is why he gifted me a second chance in life.

Y/n's p.o.v

Ugh, I'm so exhausted.

But work is satisfying enough.
It looks like we can start rebuilding Bonesborough earlier than I expected.

As I returned to our shelter, I saw Raine exiting Hexside with a large stack of documents.

"Good afternoon, Raine!"
I greeted cheerfully, catching them off-guard.

"AAA! Oh, good afternoon to you too,"
They looked nervous.
"I am in a bit of a hurry right now, so... uh, I'll catch up with you later."

Okay then...?
That was odd.

I did notice that their regular grey earing was replaced with yellow ones. I wonder if these were Eda's.

"Hun, I'm home!"
I called out as I entered our shelter.

Huh. He doesn't seem to be here.
I smiled to myself.
The piece of wood on the table was also missing, which meant Hunter went back to Dell Clawthorne.

I decided to run a quick errand before joining him. I stuck notes to each of our friend's houses and shelters to ask them to meet Hun and I in tomorrow's breakfast. We need to agree on a time to bury the feather, now when the stone's ready.

I skipped through the woods and greeted the replanting crew.

"What'cha doing?"
I cheerfully asked Hunter, that was sitting with his back to me while Dell observed his work.

"This boy has a natural talent, I must say I am impressed."
The old man smiled.
Hunter turned around, excitingly showing me what he was working on.

I recognised that it was another cardinal bird, and Hunter was carefully carving in all the details.

"This is incredible, Hun!"
I kissed his cheek.
"Thank you,"
He grinned, free of any worries.

I watched him work for a while. Hunter is much better at all these small, complicated works.

He put the tools down when he was satisfied. He hugged the wooden statue close and whispered something to it.

Dell approach, seeing the flash of light.
I was in awe when I saw the blue bird fly around and land on his shoulder.

Hunter took a deep breath and looked at his new palisman.

"Come with me, Y/n."
Dell told me, leading me aside, to give Hunter bond with his new friend.
He put a piece of wood in my hands.
"This is a new palistorm piece. I hope you'd put it into good use."

I nodded and set down, reaching for a cutting tool.
As I stated at it, my mind went blank.
I had no idea what I wanted.

"Hard to decide?"

"No, I think I've got this."

I carved an egg shape as best as I could.
I am not good at this like Hunter.

Dell returned after a while to check on me. He seemed confused.
"What kind of animal is that?"

"It's an egg. Just like Luz, I'd let destiny to decide my palisman."
I stated, looking at my creation.

"I see. I just want to note that a palisman like this can be completely unpredictable. Are you sure?"

I insisted.
Then I looked down at the wood, to tell it my deepest wish, my mission in life.

"I want to overcome the person I used to be. To know who am I supposed to be."
I whispered.


"Maybe the wood isn't working after all..."
I sighed.
Just for a moment there, I thought I'd have my own little partner.

"We are pretty sure we've got it,"
He dismissed.
"Do you want a palisman?"

"I... yeah, I guess."
I mean, I lived my whole life without my own.


Uh, was it a wrong answer?

"Maybe the right question is... do you NEED a palisman?"

I looked at the egg.

Why would I need a palisman?

"Sometimes... I feel like I am not enough to make everyone happy. Every emotion can tilt my world around, every fear might hold me back from my target...
I wish to remember to never doubt myself, I wish to know my worth."
I confessed.

Suddenly, I felt something moving in my hand. The egg was cracking, and the brightest light surrounded it.
Hunter approached, curious.

I felt it in my hands.
Slippery, maybe a dolphin?
It's also quite furry, with dog legs.
And a lot of tails...
Wait, are those wings?
Huh, it's suddenly small, like a bug...
Is it cold or warm? I can't seem do decide.

I let go and opened my eye, only to see nothing.
The two men in front of me were quite confused.

"Have you seen it?"
I asked, and they nodded in denial.
"I swear it just was in my hands..."

Hunter's bird chirped.
"Waffles says she didn't see it,"
He told us.
Waffles. How sweet.

"I haven't seen it, either."
Dell denied.

"I don't understand... are you saying that it exists, but invisible?"
Hunter asked.

"I... think...? Dell, what kind of animal can do that?"

"This is a first for me, even after all these years..."
He sighed.
"I am afraid I don't have the answer."

I put my hand forwards, and the stick was indeed summoned, but everytime I reached to feel the invisible palisman on top of it, it was different.
They couldn't guess it, either.

"Well, I can't say you didn't warn me,"
I shrugged.
"It is, indeed, unpredictable."

"Secretive, infinite, everywhere.
Like the wind."
Dell thought, reaching to a conclusion.
"Like... a reminder."

"A reminder? For what?"
Hunter wondered.

"A reminder..."
I whispered, still in awe. I let the stick disappear, and I felt my palisman swoosh by, letting itself known.

"What are you going to call it?"
Dell smiled warmly.

"I think 'Spirit' will be fitting."
I grinned, and Spirit walked between my legs, approving my decision.

[Did I-
Did I disappoint you?

I almost thought of no palisman at all just because every reader would've wished for a different animal and because Y/n never expressed something about a favorite animal

But I think this is fitting enough]

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now