•4• Off to the sea •4•

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Awwwwww they are warming up to each other!!
Also the events of 'separate tides'

Y/n's p.o.v

I breathed heavily from underneath my mask. I was practicing my combat skills with my uniform on, which is quite tough.

The field was empty, but there were loud sounds nearby. It seems as if the entire boiling Isles came to see the petrification of the owl lady.

As I took a few more exhausted breaths, I looked up to see Steves running back and forth through the castle's windows.

I shrugged it off and continued training. Not every scout was called to handle this event, and I'd rather train than watch someone turning into stone.

There was a river near the castle with some water flowing through it, although it wasn't safe to drink from. It was perfect for training, though.
It wasn't too deep. Going there with my boots on, it reached my knee-hight.
I stood against the stream, standing steady, even as the water tried to push me with it.

I like this little technique I invented to practice swiftness. The water, of course, slows me down. But if I'm fast with water, I'll be much quicker on land.

I look down at the fast approaching dirt and leaves, and I do my best to dodge them. I'll know when I fail if I see something stuck to my cape.

And a-one, and a-two and a-three,
I maneuvered around.


"Golden guard!"
I said cheerfully.

"What'cha... doing...?"
He hesitantly asked. He was leaning his chin on his crossed arms on top of his staff.

It was then that I noticed how ridiculous I look.
"Whatever you think right now- it's not what you think."

"I mean, I can only guess it's some sort of a... weird... training technique..."
He reasoned.

"It is true, sir."
I nodded, getting out of the water before I any get dirt on my robes.
"I tried to avoid any dirt while the water restricted my swiftness."

He gave me a puzzled look.

"...Because I don't have magic, my combat skills are very limited. So I wanted to train my dodging skills."
I explained, since he seemed slightly interested.

"Is that so?"
Some smugness entered his tone.
"Let's test it, then."

The golden guard unexpectedly pointed his staff at me, trying to hit me with it or with some harmless magic blasts.

It wasn't perfect. I was almost close to be hit a few times, but the biggest win is that I managed to dodge everything coming my way.

"Haha!! I can't be touched!"
I exclaimed like a toddler.

"This... is brilliant."
The golden guard was impressed.
"Can I train with you?"

He wants to try this??

"Of course!"
My smile could be heard in my voice.

We both stepped into the river and practiced together for an hour.

Sometimes I forget I am on duty.
It feels like hanging out with a friend.


Another regular morning, another day of duty, serving the emperor and the titan.
I put my robes on and braided my hair.

I heard a knock on my door, so I hurried to hide my hair and put on my mask.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now