•9• Magic school •9•

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Damn precious boiii u don't need anyone's approval... and Y/n, Darius is not THAT of an asshole, you've got to understand himmm
Also the events of 'any sport in a storm'

Y/n's p.o.v

After a lot of hesitation, I knocked on Hunter's golden door.

"Come in!"
He called out.

Hunter was sitting on his bed with the red palisman on his shoulder as he was trying to fix his cape.

With tape and bandages, too...? And honestly, his sewing could use some work.

"Great to see you this morning, Y/n!"
He smiled brightly.

I took a small sigh of relief.
So everything is okay.

I don't even know why I was worried, actually. We just happened not to talk after revealing a lot of crucial, personal information yesterday and happened not to talk since.

"Good morning to you, too, Hunter.
Uh, do you need help with that...?"
I pointed at the cape.

"No, no. I think I'm good."
He put it aside.

"Your uncle wanted me to bring you this."
I gave him the letter. When he took the paper, he touched my hand, which sent warmth inside of me.
"And, uh, he knows about... us."

All the color drained from Hunter's face.

"Don't worry, I think he doesn’t mind."
I said, recalling what happened yesterday.

He sighed in relief and opened the letter.
"My duties are keeping my busy. I entrust you to lead the Coven Heads today. Consider this a test."
Hunter read out loud.

He looked at me with an excited look in his eyes, happy that he is entrusted with such responsibility.

"We should go, then! There should be a recruitment meeting soon."


"Of course you are coming with, Y/n."
Hunter said it as if it was so obvious as he slipped his 'sewn' cape on.

I nodded and followed him to the throne room. Weirdly, everyone seemed to be leaving, no one listening to Hunter.
I saw Raine. They looked away.

"Darius! Why is everyone leaving?"
Hunter demanded to know.

Darius sighs.
"Good morning to you too, little prince. We've decided to reschedule the meeting, so go play arts and crafts or... whatever it is you do. Oh, looks like you've already started."

He grabbed his cape, scanning it.
"This is impressively bad."

Hunter seemed extremely angry and embarrassed.

"Wait, is this the old Golden Guard sigil?"

"Of course it is!"
I stepped in.
"And this is no way to treat the emperor's-"


I shut up when I saw Hunter react.

"I knew your predecessor, prince. He was my mentor. One of the strongest witches I've ever known. But you..."

"Belos says I don't need magic to serve the coven."
Hunter insisted.

"And I say you don't deserve to wear that patch."

It felt like a kick to my stomach, too, since I don't have magic either.
Hunter can't possibly be treated like that because of it...

"Wait. What should I do?
How do I... earn it?"
He asked.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now