•15• So weird, so perfect •15•

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Y/n's p.o.v

Willow grinned the next morning.

"You were basically a couple already."
Gus noted.

"I just assumed you were together."
Vee shrugged and Camila agreed.

"We should go on a double-date sometime."
Amity offered and Luz nodded enthusiastically.

This is so new to me.

It's as if our new label enabled us to become even closer to each other.
Hunter and I are pushing out of the awkwardness of this, because nothing truly changed; it's just... better.

Today we are going to buy some clothes. These past two days we've been going around in our ragged from fighting clothes or spare ones that our hosts kindly provided us.

I was feeling a bit bad that Camila, as a single worker in the house, has to provide to all of us. Maybe I could get a human job somewhere...? Or run an errand, like Hunter did? I'll think of something.

I fixed my hair in a way that will hide my ears, put my new necklace on, grabbed onto Hunter's hand and I was good to go.

Shops in the human world are so strange. Instead of being spread out in the streets, the impossible amount of clothes were organised in a wide room.

Luz mentioned that these clothes were much cheaper because they are all second-hand, which made me worry less about the prices Camila would have to pay.

I picked out two shirts with a cute graphic and a sweater I liked, as well as two pairs of jeans. The choices were many, and the others used the opportunity to try on everything, but for now I tried to limit myself as much as possible.

"Pffff- Hunter!"
I laughed as I saw him in a giant red bird costume.
"Flapjack told me to try it on,"
He chuckled as the bird chirped.

"Hey, guys! Look!"
Vee, looking like Luz's twin sister, went behind a clothes hanger and came out completely different.
Camila got excited.
Vee could finally create her own unique look and be happy with it.


When we arrived home, Vee went to teach Willow and Gus how to play chess while Luz and Amity helped Camila at the kitchen.

Hunter and I went downstairs to the basement, snuggled in a blanket together and grabbed The Tale of the Brothers Wittebane.

I ran my hand on the cover of the book.

"Remember that day on the ship, when we read together the newest edition of potions for notions?"
Hunter reminded.

"How could I forget,"
I reminisced, resting my head on his shoulder.

We wanted to read it so much, but we were also scared to find out something we wouldn't like.

Hesitant, Hunter reached to open the first page...


Luz held the handle of the old door. She opened it, and a part of me hoped to see the boiling Isles right behind it, but no.
Just an old, abandoned shack.

Luz sighed, going in. We followed her.
Vee didn't come with us. She seemed uncomfortable, she doesn't have good memories from this place, so she stayed at the house with Camila.

This place felt cold and unwelcoming, littered with dirt and rats. But it will lead us back home. So we decided to make it feel like a home.

Luz brought some papers and markers for us to use, and everyone started drawing. Amity drew Alador and her siblings, Gus drew his father and Willow drew both of her fathers.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now