•23• A nightmare •23•

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Y/n's p.o.v

I didn't know where I am.
My vision was blurry.
Words were just coming out of my mouth and my body moved on my own, no matter how much I struggled.

What's happening...?

I realised my vision was messed up because I was wearing a mask.
A familiar, bronze mask with a familiar, white robe.

"You know, Luz? I thought you were nice."
My voice stated to someone behind me and I took my mask off.

"I thought that you helped me see my truth, see my light, see through all the happy little lies I believed in."

My robes disappeared, and I realised how messy my hair was and how tattered my clothes were.
No... I can't be in the streets again, can I?

My body turned around to Luz, the most horrified expression on her face. She was wearing HIS clothes.

"You... you played your silly games and set everything in motion. If not for you, none if us would've suffered.
Titan, I wouldn't have even existed!"
I shouted in a frustrated tone.

I'd never tell her something like that.
Why am I saying such things??

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know!"
She stepped back.

"Of course, you are so lost and oblivious, happily living in your perfect little human hero life."
I hissed.
"But who cares about little ol' me?
You could've spared me this life of being lost and hungry and having to survive. You could've spared me the life of having to prove myself all the time, and serving full heartedly the most TERRIBLE PERSON THIS WORLD EVER SEEN."

"I-I know, but-"

"Shut it, Luz.
He was a MONSTER.
YOU are a monster.
All of you humans are the most DISGUSTING CREATURES I've ever had the misfortune to meet!"
I growled.

"And now, I'm going to take you down."
I prepared to attack.

Suddenly, all our friends appeared.
So angered, so frustrated.
So... not ourselves.

Amity stepped forwards.
"I'm sorry. But for the sake of everyone you hurt...
I challenge you to a WITCH'S BATTLE!"

Luz's who demeanour changed.
"Wait. Say that again."

"I said, I challenge you to a witch's battle!"

"A- a witch's battle?"
Luz smiled, approaching her girlfriend while all of us stayed frozen.

Whoever had this iron grip on us was definitely confused. I felt something weakening in the hold. I struggled again.

"you're not Amity, are you?"
Luz laughed.
"You're not her! None of you are you!"

"How dare you? Of course we're us!"
Willow's voice almost broke in the middle.
It's not real.
And we are all trying to struggle out of it.

"It's "I challenge you to a witch's duel," not "witch's battle." And the Amity I know would NEVER misquote The Good Witch Azura."
Luz corrected.
"So come on. Attack me. I know what's going on now."

At once, all of us launched forwards.
No.... nononono!


I managed to move my head on my own, even though pink strings held me still.

Amity mumbled weakly.

"Amity, is that you? Is it really you?"

"Yes! We've all been collected, including Camila. The Collector came from the sky, and-"

"He's playing games with you, Luz! We are all just toys for him to play with!"
I cried out.

"He's trying to keep you away from King and Eda!"
Gus struggled.

"But if you want to save anyone, you have to wake up!"
Willow exclaimed.

Luz asked.

"Think about it."
Hunter spoke up.
"What's the first thing you do when you wake up from a bad dream?"

The collector didn't want us to talk.
More strings were sent at us.

"You turn on the light,"
Amity whispered, pushing a glyph into Luz's hand.

We all looked at her, determined that she can fix it all.

And then...
Everything went black again.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now