•32• Happy Ending •32•

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Y/n's p.o.v

I guess my job here is done.
Ugh, now I need to find an actual hobby...

I watched as the last group of workers took apart the last few empty shelters.
I just finished taking apart Hun's and mine.

One might think that as the one responsible for everything, I would've built our house first. Maybe even greater than everyone else's, and move out first chance we could. But I didn't.

It was a pride thing, and Hunter lovingly supported me. We were the last ones to get a house, a humble one.

After four years of living in these shelters by Hexside, I think I am going to miss this little-big community. Everyone helping in chores, doing everything together, seeing the children running and playing around...

Honestly, it was a healing experience, all thanks to them. Living with all these witches and creatures outside, made my internal stress of living in the streets again disappear.

Spirit is always there when I need them, of course, but I notice their presence less and less in recent times. I guess I don't need any reminders anymore.

My train of thoughts was cut when I felt someone's hands slipping between mine and hugging me from behind.

"Hi, Hun..."
I mumbled after he kissed me.

"What's wrong, Bun?"
He walked over to be by my side.
"Aren't you excited for the future of the boiling Isles?"

"Right. Future. We are adults now."
I thought out loud.

Hunter chuckled as he took my hand.
"Well, what plans do you have in mind? You must be an expert in planning already."

"I... I'm not sure...
Ugh, everyone has their role figured out and I'm just... I don't know..."

I knew I should've thought of something when I saw that things were wrapping up, or last year, when Luz took a bigger leading role for all the final operations.

Hun is a professional palisman carver, Gus teaches at Eda's school, as well as Vee, though she and Luz are still going between realms and studying or working at both sides. Amity became an engineer and shares notes with Lilith, while Raine, Darius and Alador are working on a machine that will remove the old coven sigils. And Willow made her life-long dream come true when she became a professional flyer Derby player.

"It's okay, you just finished a job. I'm sure you'll find a new one."
He assured me.


"Oh, come on! I just thought about something, but my brain didn't really analyse the thought!"
He suddenly complained.
"You know how you remember a thing, but... not really...?"

"What is it?"
I was intrigued.

Hunter returned an embarrassed smile, not being able to give me an answer. He looked around, as if what he wanted to say was written somewhere. His eyes landed on the staircase to Hexside, just as Raine exited the building.

"Oh, right! It was Raine!"
He remembered, but I was already running forwards.

I surprised them with a hug.
"Look, all shelters are dismembered! We officially finished rebuilding the Isles!"

"Wow! I'm so proud of you!"
They smiled genuinely.
"How about we celebrate the occasion?
A double dinner date?"

"Our new house, tomorrow night."
Hunter decided. They agreed, writing it down on a random note so they could remember to tell Eda.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now