•20• Dollhouse •20•

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Sorry this chapter kinda sucks, it's a bit of a filler chapter QwQ

Hunter's p.o.v

"These things need seatbelts,"
Camila sighed as we landed.
"Hello, sweet earth..."

"Careful on eye-ly!"
Y/n freaked out as Camila almost pushed a finger into one of the creature's eyes.

"WAAA!! I-I mean, uh, hello, good sir...?"
She bowed.

"You know this creature?"
I asked my girlfriend, who leaned down to gently pet it.

These eye things can be found resting at the bases of buildings, but it's almost impossible to communicate with them.

"Well, you can only guess how young I was, seeing the original name I gave it,"
She chuckled.
"Waking up next to 'em in the street is the first thing I'll ever remember."

"What were you doing there?"
Amity asked. Luz looked away with an awkward expression.

Y/n's eyes widened.
"Um, don't remember. Y-You know, a random childhood memory..."
She laughed nervously.

Oh, right.
While my 'identity' as a grimwalker was revealed, Y/n's was still a secret.
Not even that, she is worried about how they'd react when they discover that she used to be a criminal.

No matter how much I tried to explain to her that it's okay, that she did what she had to do to survive, she was still reluctant. Maybe she tries to put her past aside, because it doesn't fit her new, fair morals.


This must be why she scolded me so much when we were captured in our mission to get titan's blood, back in eclipse lake!
She said that going against Amity after she kindly let us go 'wasn't fair'.

Our group continued travelling around.
Everything looked broken, and strange colorful stars were plunged into some buildings.

The center of the town looked empty and abandoned. Graffiti and boarded doors and windows everywhere.

"It looks as if we are in one of these zombie movies we've watched in the human te-le-vi-sion."
Y/n recalled.

"Where are Eda and King?"
Willow asked after we passed a few more similar stars to the one we were looking for.

"Where is... anyone?"
Gus added.

As we explored, we sensed that something's going on.
"Can you feel it?"
Y/n quietly asked.

I walked to look at the direction behind the closest building. It seemed like a dark wave washing the streets.

"Something's coming."
I warned.

Gus wondered.

Willow asked.

"No, it- it's..."
I tried to understand.

I backed away when the colorful waved reached our street.

Y/n guided everyone, pulling me to a side alleyway.

We struggled to stand steady from how powerful this wave was. I hugged Y/n into my arms, not wanting anything to happen to her.

When it was over, I let go of her and all of us looked at the street again.

We were shocked to see that all the damage was repaired. Moreover, there were people standing there.

Amity shivered in Luz's arms when she saw a few girls she recognised.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now