•26• Reunion •26•

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Y/n's p.o.v

I think we emptied the room we were in, but there were still a few missing.
Especially a few coven heads...

I found a hidden door at the far wall.
It revealed an entire castle, with wide hallways and beautiful carpets.

So King and the collector lived here this entire time? Cool.

As I wondered around, I heard shuffling.

I demanded.

Then I remembered that we are all safe.
"Belos is gone,"
I announced.

Out of the shadows, appeared one person I didn't even think about.
"FINALLY. I don't have to work here anymore."

"Wait, aren't you Amity's mother?"

"Yes, I am. And you look like that brat who sneaked with her into my factory in the day of unity."
She rolled her eyes.

You know what?
I don't have the nerves to deal with her right now.

"Do you know if more dolls were kept outside the archives?"

She pointed nonchalantly and walked away.

I hurried to that direction, and there I found the rest of the coven heads.
Oh, and here's Darius and Eberwolf! Hunter's going to be so happy!

But... Raine...

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

They must be out there, then.

I went back to the archives.

I saw Lilith reuniting with someone.
Hunter and I both looked at that direction.

"Y/n, Hunter, look! This Steve is a real Steve!"

Hunter laughed as we approached.

I quickly told the collector to go and release all the covenheads.

"You were the golden guard, I know,"
Steve pointed at Hunter.
"But which Steve were you?"

"I was the one in the entrance shift, and then I became the bronze guard."
I told him.

"So the crazy Steves from the entrance shift were all YOU?"
His jaw opened wide.

"Nonononono, I was the one who merely saved these eight Steves and passed the golden guard's test.
The Steve who ruined the guard's kitchen and the one who accidentally burned the carpets were not me."
I quickly corrected.

"Of course you weren't the one who burned the carpet at the entrance, it was I who knocked the torch."
He winked and we all laughed.

"Where's the collector?"
Lilith asked as she looked around.

"I sent him to get a few more people."
I announced.
"Let's go, Hun! Our work here is done!"

"It rhymes,"
He chuckled.

"Shush. Aw, Gus found his father!"
I pointed at the two.

We passed by Amity reuniting with hers.

We arrived to Willow, who was still looking around.

"There they are,"
Hunter let her know.

She ran towards them.

As we watched all the happy reunions, we realised that we ourselves didn't have much of a family to return to.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now