•16• Falling leaves •16•

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A bit of 'thanks to them'? Ohohohoho?

Hunter's p.o.v

"The bus is here, Mija!"
Camila called out to her daughter.

"I can't believe that I am back to living a normal life while you are all stuck far away from home."
Luz sighed, putting her bag on.

"Don't worry about that, sweet potato. While you are learning at school, we are going to continue learning with the creepy bird!"
Amity kissed her cheek goodbye as we waved.

"Not you, Flap."
Y/n giggled at Flapjack, that landed on her shoulder. She gently pet his head.
"You are the least creepy bird I know."

She gave the palisman a small kiss.
"What, jealous, Hunter?"
Y/n grinned at me when she noticed I was looking.

"Maybe a bit."
I scoffed, looking away.

She gave me a small kiss on my forehead before returning to tend to the red bird.
I, on the other hand, was stunned for a few seconds with my face completely red.

Y/n is so amazing. Having her as my girlfriend these past few weeks was the best thing that ever happened to me. To us.

Both of us were clearly more happy together.

Now it's Fall, the perfect human season for going on walks. Luz told me that the leaves change from green to orange and fall to the ground in messy piles.

We didn't really exit the area around the house other then going to buy essential with Camila. I think of exploring the nearby woods with Y/n and seeing all the shades of orange of the leaves.

Maybe we'll even...

Well, as much as I wish to, I can't just grab and kiss her. Not after she denied it last month's rain.

But nonetheless, kiss or not, I shall be the most epic boyfriend for Y/n and organise the perfect, cutest date for us.

All of us chilled at the shack we renovated, trying to match the sounds that came out of the screen.

Y/n looked less interested in trying. She looked at flapjack, that was still picking around the floor.

"He's still doing that, huh?"
Gus glanced at the palisman.

"He won't tell me what he's looking for."
I sighed.

"Oh! I like what you've done with the place!"
Camila entered the shack for the first time since we fixed it.
"No more exposed nails or possum nests...
...But this still confuses me."

This weird bird tube that Luz insisted to draw. Definitely nightmare fuel.

"Yeah. He still confuses us too."
Willow mentioned.

"Hooty is a very important creature in our lives."
Y/n scoffed.

"...if you say so..."
Camila mumbled.
"Well, I'm going to pick Luz up from school. Pop quiz!! How do you say this in Spanish?"

I stood up, sure that I knew how to say it, but I slowly started scrambling with my words. Very awkward.
Vee stepped in and said it correctly.

"Wonderful! Keep it up, kids!"
Camila smiled and left.

"You were very close, Hunter! Just a few missing words."
Y/n cheered at me as if I succeeded.

"We've been here for months, and we've made no progress on the portal door. We can't expect Camila to take care of us forever."
Amity let out in frustration.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now