•11• Real, illusion •11•

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Also 'labyrinth runners'

Y/n's p.o.v

I am extremely tired and exhausted.
I spent the whole night looking for him in the woods around the area and in the streets of the night market, but Hunter was no where to be found.

In the morning, I happened to arrive at Hesxide.
This is the last place I can think of.

Luckily, I still had my spare potions track outfit tacked away in my cape.
I folded my cape into a bag earlier in the night, so carrying my things wasn't a problem.

I looked at my reflection in a puddle.
I tried to fix myself as much as possible before I entered the school.

The halls were quite empty, but a lot of noise was coming from the cafeteria.
I glance in there and immediately backed away and pressed to the wall as Willow and Amity walked out.

I can't have them see me. We are not on really good terms last time I checked.

"Hey, I remember you!"
I froze when a familiar voice called out.
The doors bursted open.

Wait... FLAPJACK?!
Hunter should be nearby!

After the bird ran no other than Gus.
As much as I don't think it is a good idea to interact with him, I have to follow Flapjack.

I tried to run after them as sneakily as possible, but when the bird flew inside the under-construction auditorium, that's when Gus noticed me.

What are you doing here??"
He freaked out, holding his staff in preparation to act.

"Nonono I'm coming at peace!"
I raised my hands.
"I left the emperor's coven- well, I am trying to, at least."

Gus raised an eyebrow, still suspicious of me.

"I-I am trying to find someone very important to me a-and...
Ugh, Luz can tell you everything, I was at the owl house yesterday."

"Oh, really?
Well, this morning I got the news that the area is infested with scouts. Perhaps YOU had anything do do with that?"
Gus pointed at me with his staff.

"N-No, I swear!"
I exclaimed.
"W-Wait... Belos knows we were there? He knows that we know? He is t-trying to find us!"
I panicked, my body shaking.

Gus put his staff down, finally believing me. He put a hand on my shoulder.
"Take a few deep breaths, alright?
Do as I do."

I breathed as he instructed, calming down. I looked at the 'under construction' tape.
"I have to find Flapjack."

"I'm going with you."
Gus insisted, following me inside.
"I'll look over here. You over there."

I nodded, looking around the boxes under the stage while he went up stage.

"What are you doing here, Golden Guard?"
I perked up when I heard these words.

"Wouldn't you like to know."
A voice I was hoping to here since what feels like forever chuckled.
"But rest assured, Gus, I--"

I jumped on him for a hug.

"Y-You are okay, y-you are alright!
I've been looking for you and---
oh t-thanks titan!"
My tears stained his shoulders.
Hunter returned the hug.

"Did I miss something? What is going on?"
Gus was confused.

Flapjack chirped at Hunter. He sighed.
"...Truth is, my living situation has been compromised. Maybe. So I just need a place to crash. Temporarily! Hexside.. was the only place I could think of."
Hunter admitted, still holding me close to him.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now