•29• Goodbye, old friend •29•

756 30 22

Hunter p.o.v

Watching Y/n try to communicate with her new palisman was very cute.

"Okay, so, if you go on this side it means you agree and if you go on that side it means that you disagree.
Um, am I talking to myself or-
Oh, there you are, good job, Spirit!"

I looked down at the stone.
Something in it felt... empty.

We already spoke with our friends this morning and we are going to make the grave soon, but still...

Waffles appeared at the window and jumped onto my shoulder.
She chirped when she noticed the bird carved in the stone.

"Yes, this is Flapjack. Your older brother."

Another chirp.

"I know, I know. Maybe I should add something to it. But I'm not sure what."

This is so strange for me.
I never thought I'd come to this point.
A part of me thought Flap and I are going to be together forever, but...
I guess destiny had other plans.

I looked at Y/n giggling.

Nothing lasts forever, huh?
What if we...

I suddenly had a very scary thought.
Waffles nudged at me, tilting her head in confusion.

I ignored what was on my mind and smiled at my bird.
She proceeded to fly to the table and retrieve the carving tool Dell let me keep.

After a couple minutes, there was a knock on our shelter door.
Gus, Willow, Amity and Luz were all dressed in a white shirt and black jeans.
So were Y/n and I.

I took the red feather and stone in my hands. Y/n linked her arm with mine.
I noticed something on her forearm, I think.
No, I'm probably imaging. it should be the sigil over there.

I looked at our friends. They all had a red marking on them. When I looked closer, I noticed the shape.

I want to cry.

Y/n's hand went up my arm and stuck a temporary drawing like that on top of the old coven sigil.
They all smiled at me.

I tried my hardest to control my tears.

The pit was already dug, next to a pretty view of a small hill.

I pulled out the red feather.
I'll miss you, bud.

After a short hesitance, I placed the feather in the small pit and backed away as Gus covered it.

I put the stone on the top and backed away, letting Y/n's hands wrap around me in a side hug.

As Willow grew flowers on the stone, I was glad I added the text added on it.

Thank you for finding me.

Excuse me
While I go
To ugly-cry


A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now