•7• Eclipse lake •7•

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Gurlllll chillllll you need to rest your hand! Hunter be such a sweetie tho.
Also the events of 'eclipse lake' if you didn't get that from the tital lol

Y/n's p.o.v

Hunter was pacing back and forth in my room. Kikimora's group left to the knee just half an hour ago.

"Kikimora, out of all people?"
I was surprised. I thought Hunter was assigned to this. I've already prepared for this mission and read everything I could find about eclipse lake.

"This must be because I failed the last mission..."
He mumbled.

"I-I'm sorry..."
I still can't help but feel that it was my fault, for offering this mission, no matter what Raine or Hunter tell me.

He took me in for a hug.
"Good things still came out of this.
Look at us now."
He smiled wholesomely. I smiled back.

Hunter got a better grip around me and-
"M-My hand-"
It was still aching from falling from the tree the other day.

He decided to let go and hold my right hand instead.

"Maybe it's not THAT bad that we didn't go. I don't think you are not in a good shape to go for missions."

"It's nothing, really."
I dismissed.

"Hmm... I think I saw somewhere that... just a moment..."
Hunter carefully raised my left arm. I was confused when he leaned in, perhaps to take a closer look-

I became completely flustered when his lips pressed to my hand for a couple seconds.

He then straightened up and looked into my eyes.

I was in a loss of words. I've only seen people on the streets doing this to show affection- a stronger kind, even more than hugging.

"I- you- um- yeah, uh-"
I couldn't make a sentence and just giggled nervously.

"I read it in a story when a Knight kisses a princess's hand and she immediately forgot about all her troubles."
Hunter smiled innocently.

I nodded, my heart beating faster.
I read this book once, after Raine teased me about Hunter. It's the only reference for 'love' I could find other than what I saw in the streets.

For some reason I got flustered just from the thought of what will happen when he reads about them when they press their lips together for a shared kiss.

Maybe I should talk to Raine about this and how I feel because they know and understand more, but... ugh, it's just embarrassing.

"You should rest for the rest of the day, and hopefully your arm will be good as new tomorrow."
Hunter said, standing up.

"And what are you going to do?"
I asked while he was leaving.
He shrugged in response, gave me one last smile and closed the door.

When I finished sewing my cape, I heard shuffling outside my room. I put my mask on and opened the door to look at the hallway. These were scouts.

"Bronze guard, Ma'am!"
They saluted.

"...Hello Steves. What is going on?"
I asked, confused.

"The golden guard instructed us to make sure you stay safe in your room, ma'am."

He... what...?
This sounds suspicious.

I went to look out of my window. Kikimora and her crew were a mere dot in the distance, while from the castle there was a scout running towards them, sneaking around.
That's DEFINITELY Hunter.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now