•8• Confessions •8•

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Tell the truth tell the truth aw come onnnnnn tell the truth AAAAAAA

Hunter's p.o.v

I put my hand on the doors to the room next to the emperor's throne. I think I hear some muffled talking in there.

"But... you can't go in."

I was so nervous, actually. He ordered me to stay but I went there anyway. I didn't want him to know Y/n was there, too. She just followed me there.

"I'll be right outside this door, then."
She insisted. She refused to let me go alone to report to the emperor.


"Good luck."
She gave me a small smile.

I looked at the door. I didn't know how he'd react. I decided to just go in there.

I bursted inside, running. Belos was standing in front of the portal door.
"I know you didn't want me to go to eclipse lake, but if I hadn't, I wouldn't have found this!"

Belos gasped and snatched the key away from my hand. He scanned it.

"...some of the titan's blood go spilled, but if you let me explain-"

"Leave. Now."
He sounded very angry.
I didn't want to test it, so I quietly obeyed and left.

"That was fast,"
Y/n commented when the doors closed behind me.
"How did it go?"

"He has the key now."
I said simply.
"How's your arm?"

"I almost don't feel pain anymore."

I smiled.
Then I looked at us.

Extremely messy and dirty from Blight's abomination magic and the dirt at eclipse lake. Our clothes were torn and tattered, mine from fighting and Y/n's from almost falling into the abyss.

"We should really go clean up,"
I chuckled. Y/n's hair was a complete mess, pointing in different directions.

"Stop laughing!"
She laughed, too.
"Goodnight, Hunter."

"Good night."

In the middle of the night, I woke up to a sound of a door opening slowly. I peeked into the hallway, seeing Y/n carefully sneaking towards the castle's library.
I decided to go back to sleep and not to disturb her.


Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up in the morning, and thankfully my left hand was completely healed.
I was brushing my hair, that was still slightly damp from last night's shower.

I spent a couple hours in the library, scanning through love stories and books about behaviour to figure out ANYTHING.

I did a whole lot of thinking in just these few hours. Now I am convinced Raine saw right through me while I was living in denial for so long.

I like hunter.
I love him.
Do I?

This is why I feel like this around him, definitely.

I clenched my fists. There's no way he'll be with someone like me.

I stared at the reflection in the mirror. My face was red and my eyes prickled with tears just from the thought that Hunter will distance away from me.
Damn it. I need a walk.

I braided my hair and put on the bronze guard uniform. Steves saluted me on my way out to the field.

The morning breeze was exactly what I needed. After making sure no one was around, I took my mask off to breath in the fresh air.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now