•17• Haunted Night •17•

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Ew Belos goo

Y/n's p.o.v

It was a bit creepy, standing in front of the shack in the darkness of the night, especially because you know who could be lurking inside.

I took long, slow breaths to try to focus.

Hunter was visibly and physically nervous, dreadfully looking at the shack.
I reached to hold his hand. He gave me a gentle squeeze, but he was still shaking.

Luz glance at him.

"Hey, we can wait for the others if you-"

"No! We have to take care of this ourselves."
Hunter quickly insisted.

"Titan, I hate this! I was never scared as the Golden Guard!"
He ran his bandaged fingers through his hair in frustration.

"You don't need this title, Hun.
You are the same intelligent, determined and skilled person, with the mask or not."
I told him.

Although... yeah...
It is so much easier with the mask.
The mysterious and intimidating aura it brings really boosts the effect.
But now... HE has the upper ground.

"Let's bring back some of that masked confidence, eh?"
Luz collected a few masks from the ground.

I was handed a mask. I looked at it.
I was still scared, but nonetheless I put it on and grabbed the stiffest stick I could find on the ground.

Hunter went in first, kicking the old door down in fake confidence.
"All right, Belos! What's about to happen should be relatively painless, if you just do what we say."

Why am I getting butterflies from this...?

"That's right! So come out with your hands behind your creepy, dumb head!"
Luz waved her bat around.


I think I just heard the bastered!

But... I froze.
Like a coward.
I am not the fighter that I used to be.
Belos could be right around the corner and I am being all pathetic.

Luz signalled towards a loose wall piece and took it down, revealing a secret door.

I can't let the go alone.
I won't forgive myself if HE does anything to my beloved and my friend.

We walked down the creaky steps, ready to attack any second.
And something was in the closet.
We looked at each other.
Belos is in the closet.
He is in that damn closet.

Hunter reached to hold my hand. It made me feel much better.
Yes, we are scared. But we are going to confront that monster. And we are doing this NOW.

This is bravery.

Luz turned the knob and backed away.
It was a rat.

"Oh, thank goodness. It's just a little angel."
Luz sighed in relief, taking her mask off.

"No one's here. I guess it was just in my head."
Hunter sighed.

"B-But... I think I just heard him..."
I mumbled.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, Bun. I just put crazy ideas in your head."

"Well, can't blame you for being paranoid after everything we've been through."
Luz said sympathetically.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now