•25• Is it over? •25•

819 31 14

Y/n's p.o.v



I looked around, not all dolls were secured, but it was too late.
We are falling to our doom---

And then the fall stopped, sending us to collide with it.
Not fun.

"The... collector?"
Hunter looked up.


"He's... he's..."
Willow looked at the too-familiar pink strings that were holding onto the building.

"He's helping!"
Gus cheered.

The godly child was holding the building in place with all his might.
Something weird was on his hands, I couldn't figure it out.

With the new hole in the wall, we could see that this strange thing covered the entire island. It gave off unsettling vibes.

"Let's not put the child's effort to waste."
Camila reminded.
Her notepad was more than halfway finished, but that didn't stop her from tearing more and more pages.

As time passed by and as we got more and more puppets off the shelves, the collector became more and more tired.

I wonder... how long will it take until he drops us...?

Uh, no. Don't think about it.

Suddenly, a blast of energy washed through the entire island, ending the darkness.
With his final strength, the collector placed us back on the skull and flew down to us, exhausted.

The strange green thing on his hands turned grey and flew into the air.
The child looked at us with his big eyes, and then shivered in fear when we approached.

He was scared.

Amity reached for the collector's hand.
He is just a kid, after all.
A god kid.
How can you get mad at this terrifying overpowered-little-candy-cloud?

We walked towards the giant hole that formed in the wall, witnessing the boiling Isles. We have no idea what happened at the time we were at the archives.

But... I have a feeling that something changed for the better.

And I know that Luz MUST be out there.

"It's beautiful,"
Willow noted.

She was right.

More grey dust flew in the air, revealing unfamiliar red grass and a magnificent sunrise.

I closed my eyes and felt the morning breeze.
It was quite nice.

"Collector, baby, do you know where my Luz is?"
Camila worriedly asked.

She saved me but Belos made her disappear and I couldn't get her back!"
He told us with a big smile.

We all froze in place.
S-So... all these lights...

"But then,"
There's a 'then'.

"SHE RETURNED! And went with Eda and King to defeat Belos with her new, awesome titan-glyph powers! I wish I could've seen that happen, but saving you all was also cool I guess."

We were so happy to hear that.
Camila and Amity almost looked completely broken before she grabbed her daughter's girlfriend into a hug.
"She is going to tell us EVERYTHING when we find her, right, Amity?"

"Yes!! Titan, I missed her so much!!"

"Collector, how tired are you?"
Willow asked.

"What? Why? Do you want to play a game? I'd love to!"
He assumed.


"It's called 'waking up everyone'! We are going to bring you everyone and one by one you'll turn them back to normal!"
Gus joined in, pointing at all the dolls in the archives.

"Okay, let's do this! I do want to rest a little before that, though."

"Don't worry, we'll put them all in a line for you."
Willow smiled.

"We'll be right with you!"
Hunter called out as everyone went to help out. It looks like the collector went to take a little nap.

"So... Belos...
He's gone, he's really gone, isn't he?"
He took both of my hands.

Last time we thought it was over, it wasn't.

"I think I'll trust Luz about it."
I smiled.
"Look around us. I think these are all signs of his cruelty drifting away..."

In the view, I saw a small hoard of students exiting hexside and going towards the archive.

Actually, I think...
I think my eyesight just got worse.

"Hun, I think something happened to my purple eye,"
I pointed.

"The pupil is... gone..."
Hunter's brown eyes widened and I quickly closed my left eye.

Well, now my eyesight's much better, but...

My expression dropped.
"We are HIS grimwalkers, aren't we?
Are we going to disappear now, too?"

"No, no. Definitely not."
He insisted confidently.
"Because Flap gave us a second chance."

I sighed.
Is this a goodbye?
"I am not the one with his magic, Hun..."

"He healed you just before he saved me, Bun. I think it was on purpose, I think he already knew."

"Alright. You convinced me."
I placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Let's just go help the others."

He hugged me.
"We have a lot of time to think about a cool eyepatch to get for you."

"Oh, I'll definitely be ten times cooler with one."
I mumbled before we split up.

"You are already the coolest, Y/n!"
He called at me, making me roll my eye.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now