•21• Inner Conflicts •21•

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Y/n's p.o.v

We wandered aimlessly through the hallways, following Mattholomule.

"It's been like this ever since Miki and Roka showed up! We want to fix stuff around here, but... anytime we suggest something, Miki threatens to throw people into the Detention Pit."
He sighed.

"The WHAT?!"
Camila was horrified.

"Maybe there's another way...
I don't know how to get into the Archives, but... we may be able to get close.
By teleporting DIRECTLY into the Titan's skull!"
Luz offered.

"How would we do that?"
I asked, intrigued.
Is there a glyph combination for that? I wonder how it would look...

"Here, come in."
We were sneaked into a secret side room.

It was messy, with a lot of things scrawled all over the walls. Willow went over to a wall with pictures while Gus approached another one.

"Plans to convert the gym into a common space? Schedules for rotating guard shifts? Is THAT a dinner menu using veges from the Plant Homeroom? Mattholomule, you are actually a decent leader!"

"Did you ever have any doubt in your mind?"
He replied proudly.

"Yes. Many many doubts."

"Once, I saw Philip- I mean, Belos, use a glyph to teleport to the skull. But... it may take some digging to find it."
Luz sighed as Willow approached with tweezers.

I silently set on the boxes by Hunter.

I feel ridiculous.
The more he stuck by Willow, I felt the need to stick by Gus.

I shouldn't feel jealous.
I need to trust my friends, I need to trust my own damn boyfriend.

But... we are all broken because of recent events. What if our love isn't strong enough?
Willow is nice and kind, and I did notice her looks at Hunter from time to time...

What's wrong with me, why am I doubting these people in my life?

I looked at Hunter. He was deep in thoughts. The more he stared at his hand, the more he struggled to brush off sad feelings.
I couldn't get myself to comfort him.

I stared at Willow. She kept on being disappointed the more she pulled out the wrong memories.
Then, her face lit up.

"Wow, so clear!"
Luz was surprised from her own memory.
"We can use it to get to the skull!"

The picture had hundreds of circles with different glyph combinations. Looks like it could take at least an hour to draw out.

Hunter stood up.
"We can get moving again."

"Before we go... Look what I found."
Willow shyly approached.
She gave him a picture from the Derby day, standing happily with Flapjack.
I wonder where she got that picture.

Hunter bites the inside of his cheek in order to keep his tears in. He doesn't make any move towards me, and neither do I.

"We're all gonna miss Flapjack, but... we know he loved you the most."
Gus said softly.

"And we just wanna let you know, we don't care who you're supposed to be. ‘cause you are one of us now. Never forget that."
Willow said in a sweet tone.

"Hunter, are you okay?"
Luz suddenly asked.

I looked at his shaking hands and red, puffy eyes.
"I... don't know."

I wanted to hug him or hold his hand and keep him close so much. I wanted to wipe his tears and say that it was okay to cry.
But a part of me kept me still and distant.
I didn't move, just looked at him with pity.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now