•3• Sticky stick •3•

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First mission with the golden guard! Hmmmmm I wonder what's going to happen to them

Y/n's p.o.v

"Yo, Steve, need help with that?"
A guard passing by asked me as I struggled to pull large bags out of the room that used to be mine.

Yup, I'm moving. ...already.
My new room will be closer to the middle of the castle. The closer to the throne room, the higher the authority.

These next few days will decide if I get the job as the golden guard's right hand, or not and get demoted back to a mear scout.

I sighed. It's a bit weird for me, actually.
Now that I climbed so high, I can't let myself fall. But it's also tough for me to comprehend the fact that the Steves that used to be my besties will now behave differently with me.

Oh, oops. Steve's waiting for my answer-

"That'll be great. Thanks, Steve."
My belonging were neatly stuffed into four large bags, but there's a limit to how much a person can carry, especially when it's a person like me who's determined to take everything in one go.

"The whole castle's talking about what you did yesterday. Congratulations!"

"Thank you!!"
My smile was clearly heard through the mask. Even with my insecurities, I was truly proud of my achievement.

Although I feel like I said the word 'thank you' these past few days more times than I ever said my entire life.

"To be honest, all these explosions yesterday didn't let me sleep."
Steve sighed, exhausted.

"Oops! Not in your break..."
I pitied him. A good sleep opportunity is hard to get in this job. And for Steve, it got ruined because of the race.

We continued chatting until we arrived at a room with a bronze door, right next to the one with a golden door.

It opened, catching us off-guard.
By instinct, I dropped everything and held my spear.

Steve dropped everything with a heavy thud and saluted.
"Uh- SIR!"
I awkwardly straightened up, trying to join on Steve's words.
I have to stop almost attacking those above me or else I'll be stoned-petrified.
Or worse.
Kicked out.

"...Why aren't you at your posts."
The golden guard asked in an extremely monotone voice, adjusting his mask.

"Steve's been helping me move, sir!"
I announced.

"Oh, that's you, Y/n. Well, I suppose Steve helped you enough. I'll take it from here."

"Of course, sir."
Steve saluted one last time and left.

"Aaaaaand... up!"
With a swift motion, the golden guard grabbed two bags and kicked open the bronze door with his leg. He really gives off child-energy, now that I think about it.

I followed him inside to my new room, carrying the other bags inside.

"So he is a Steve, too. A lot of people here are named Steve for some reason..."
He mumbled to himself while putting the bags down.

"You... don't know about the STEVE, sir?"
I questioned, remembering him calling us Steves on multiple occasions.
"It seemed as if... you know... know."

"The whole thing really confuses me, heh. I just went on with it and it works."
The golden guard shrugged. This whole situation made me giggle uncontrollably.

"AHEM. Sir."
I cleared her throat and stopped myself immediately when his head turned to me, which I could only guess had an angered expression underneath the mask.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now