•10• With the Owl Lady •10•

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'Hollow mind', but... not inside Belos's mind...? Y/n starts to change...? WHAAAAAAATTTT????

Y/n's p.o.v

Here I am. Deep in the enemies base.
Sitting on a couch in the owl house and nervously drinking tea with King.

Flapjack was sitting on my shoulder.
I was sad that the bird wasn't with Hunter. He is all alone out there.

Eda the owl lady approached me.
"Welp, I guess we are co-operating now. We are missing Luz. You are missing your boyfriend. Tell us what happened so we could figure it out."

"He is not my boyfriend..."
I mumbled quietly, putting my cup away.
"The golden guard and I went to the night market to investigate because we heard about some criminal activities concerning the emperor."

"What kind of criminal activities?"
Eda raised an eyebrow in interest.

I hesitated before telling them. It's okay. We are on the same side right now.

"People trying to invade the emperor's mind. He chased someone all the sudden, and when I turned round the corner, he disappeared in a flash of light."

"That's when we found you,"
Eda nodded.

"Hey! Luz might still have her walkie-talkie!"
King suddenly remembered.

"Right! Well done, King. Let's try calling."
She grabbed it and pressed a few buttons.
It was an interesting device. Honestly, it looked like a kid's toy.

Flapjack chirped.

"Flapjack! Are you okay? Have they hurt you? Is Y/n there with you? Is she okay?"
I suddenly heard Hunter's worried voice.

"We are fine,"
I assured him through the device.

"Give me that!"
I heard Luz.
"So, Eda. We may kinda... sorta... be trapped in... uh... the Emperor's mind."

My eyes widened. Hunter and I read about this together once.

Eda gasped.
"How in the world did you--- No, we don't have time for that. Has the Inner Belos spotted you yet?"

"Yes, but we were able to get away... with help. Can there be two inner selves?"

"No. But I have heard of strong emotions materializing."
She mentioned.

"Just stay safe! Don't get devoured in his mindscape or else-"
I added.

"We'll be trapped!"
Hunter panicked from the other side of the line. On second thought, I shouldn't have said that.
"Dragged down into his subconscious forever! I told you I read about this stuff."

"Well, we're gonna get you out! We'll make a return spell as fast as we can!"
King announced.

"Just don't lose the walkie-talkie. It's our only connection to you."
Eda added.

"You got it, Owl Lady. Over and out."
Luz said.

Hunter called out.
"I'll be home soon. Stay safe."

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now