•5• Hunting palisman •5•

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FACES?? A HOOMAN?? BIG REVELATIONS?? And obviously, the events of 'Hunting palisman'

Y/n's p.o.v

"Don't follow us. I can handle this."
The golden guard stopped us as he helped the twitching emperor to another room.

I obeyed, but stayed around as the golden guard's right-hand. Everyone else left, except for one person.

"Kikimora, you better not be listening to this conversation,"
I warned when I saw her try to eavesdrop. She gave me a look of despise.

She probably hates me for getting a higher rank much faster than herself.

Both of our eyes widened when we heard a series of loud noises, as if someone's punching a wall with all their might.

I started counting the seconds. I'll burst in if he won't come out in a minute.
I mean, I trust the emperor and I trust the golden guard, but it DEFINITELY didn't sound good. I hope no one broke in and attacked.

The golden guard exited after some time.
I couldn't see his face, but I could sense that he was distraught.

I silently followed him to the hallway.
I hesitated whether I should ask if he is okay or not.

"We need to get more palisman."
He suddenly said.
I didn't question him, even though I wanted to know why. Palisman are dangerous, rotten creatures.

"They can be created using wild magic...
...although it will disrespect the titan."

"I know... I tried offering this solution..."
He sighed.
"I'll go rest a bit. You are dismissed."

I wish I could do better.

"Hey, Steve!"
I cheerfully waved to the steve who was usually there at this time. It was a great coincidence, since they have a lot of info about stuff happening.

"Bronze guard, ma'am!"
They saluted.

I know they recognise my voice. But my profile forces them to treat me differently.
That's a shame.

Even other superiors that are technically under me don't take me too seriously.

I am really grateful for getting into this position, but sometimes, I have to admit...
I miss the old days, when I was a part of STEVE, and we could all chill together.

"Do you have any info about palismam on the loose?"

"I do, ma'am. The bat queen is coming to hexside school with a few later today."


"Awesome! Thank you."
I said warmly.

"Bronze guard."
They saluted, being more distant with me.

I sighed, walking down the hallway and towards the golden door. I knocked a couple times.
"Golden guard?"

"Just a moment."
I heard a depressing-sounding monotone voice and a few rustling sounds of him probably putting the cape and mask on until the door opened.

I blurted out, making him cock his head to the side in confusion.
"AHEM. A batch of palisman is going to be delivered to Hexside today."

He gasped.

"I'll arrange a transportation for us for tonight so we could go get them."

"Good job, Y/n."
The golden guard said genuinely.
Of course, he couldn't see how it made me smile.

As he closed the door, I turned around to leave, only to almost step on Kikimora that was passing by.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now