•12• Blight industries •12•

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Oh come on they are definitely in love your honor pls end the slow burnnn
(Haha, never. But we are almost there, my child. Don't worry.)
Also 'clouds on the horizon'

Y/n's p.o.v

I think someone is having a conversation nearby. I definitely heard a bunch of whispering.

"Y/n... Y/n..."


I opened my eyes.
Gus and Willow were in front of me.
But they weren't the ones who woke me up... Where's Hunter...?

...It was then that I was hit with the realisation.
I got extremely flustered and backed away from his chest.

"U-Um, how long was I sleeping...?"

"About a day and a half."
Hunter shrugged.

"A WHAT now?!"

"Yeah, we had to feed him like a toddler because he refused to move."
Willow smiled a teasing smile, crossing her hands.

"Here comes the sky ship~"
Gus playfully mocked, pretending to shove a spoon in Hunter's face.

"S-Shut up."
He scoffed.
"How's your back?"

I tried to move.
The pain was still there, but I could at least function properly.
"Almost healed perfectly."

"Great to hear."
Willow said.

"Alright so why did you wake me up?"
I wondered.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard the call we just had with Darius. How long haven't you slept properly?"
Gus asked.

I ignored the question.

"The rebellion against the emperor's coven has a plan to stop the day of unity and we are apart of it. We are going to protect Luz."
Hunter told me.

"More like we were called, as Luz's friends, and Hunter begged us to come.
So you are coming with."
Gus laughed. Hunter glared at him. Willow elbow him.

I looked through the window. It was almost sundown.

"Now, if you are good to go."

"Oh Heck yeah!!"
I immediately stood up. Luckily, the muffled pain didn't bother me at all.
I am in a better state than I expected.


We've arrived at a forest. It was so pretty, everything was beautiful, colored orange because of the closening sunset.

"What? I don't need a security escort!"
I heard Luz's voice. It feels as if it's been forever since I last saw her.

"Did you hear that, Gus?"
Willow grinned.

"Yeah, I know, I guess we'll just have to go home. Well, it's been fun. See you around, Luz the Human."

Luz chuckled, quickly getting emotional and hugging her friends.
"Waitwaitwait! Of course I want you around! I'm so happy! ...And confused?
I thought you were all keeping it low after happened at Hexside."

"They were,"
Hunter interrupted.
I waved at Luz.
"But then they heard Darius ordered me to protect you."

"More like he begged us to come because he's terrified of getting recognized."
Gus revealed. Hunter scoffed, embarrassed.

"Hey there, buddy!"
I whispered to King.

"Hunter, are you really up for this? You must be dealing with a lot after learning-"

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now