•22• Setting things straight •22•

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Hi hello I've returned after like a month and a half oops


OKAY now back to 'for the future'

Y/n's p.o.v

We were left in the air and fell down a mountain, shouting in fear.
Hunter and I hurried to slow the fall by holding our legs down.

We landed at the bottom of the mountain, catching our breath and processed the whole thing that just happened.

I looked to my right. I stared at the person I loved in complete awe.

"Hunter, how did you do that?"
Gus set up.

"D-Do what?"
Hunter mumbled, almost oblivious.

"You have magic, dude!"

"The... magic of friendship?"
He asked in the cutest way possible.

Willow exclaimed cheerfully.
"The magic of FLAPJACK!"
She placed her hand at his heart, making his eyes widen in realisation.

My heart stung. I hoped he'd push her away, but he didn't.
Willow jerked away when she met the saddened expression in my eyes.

Suddenly, Hunter grabbed us all and used his new powers to speed away from the mountain.
We looked back only to see a big flash of purple magic burning a whole throw it.

W-What the-

We found Luz laughing awkwardly while her confused mother stared at the damage.
"I'm still getting the hang of this."

"Luz has a staff."
Gus said in surprise.

"Why does that make me nervous?"
Willow whispered.

I gasped as I noticed something in the distance. Kikimora broke through the trees, and Williw leapt forwards to protect all of us.

"Look, Y/n!"
Hunter cheered.
"Willow got a hold of her magic again."

"Good for her..."
I mumbled.
I couldn't help but feel jealous at how strong she truly is.

Willow flew on her palisman, dodging all the attacks Kikimora shot at her while still keeping us safe.
Gus used his illusions to make a few more willows as distractions.

"Whoa, what did I miss?"
Luz asked.

Hunter was the first to react when she was knocked off her staff, speeding through and catching our friend with his bare hands.

Luz complained.

I stayed behind, frozen at how the smiled at each other.
Nononono, stop it. We are all friends, we are all very close friends...

"I don't need this wretched school to start my own empire. I'll make my own! And I'll start by taking you apart, piece by piece, brat by brat!"
Kikimora snapped.

Titan, I hate her SO MUCH.

I prepared to take out all my frustration on her when suddenly, a grudgby ball hit her robot.
The whole school was there.

"They'll hold her back."
Amity announced, appearing next to us.
"Let's get to the skull!"
She agrabbed Luz's hand and ran.

It took me some time to react.
"Uh, Y/n?"
Gus asked.
"Are you coming with, or...?"

I didn't hear what he asked and ran after the girls before Willow and Hunter could catch up to us.

Luz pulled out the teleportation glyph combination and presented it to all of us.
She started drawing the main circle, when suddenly her staff acted up and helped her draw faster.
"I can't tell what you're gonna be, but... thank you, little friend!"

I found a stick and focused on drawing the mist perfect small circle and drew in the plant magic glyph. Everyone else caught up and started helping. Hunter stood awkwardly, trying to recall how to draw a glyph. Before we even realised, it was finished.

I'm so useless...

I felt the warmth of something approaching. Luz hurried to activate the glyph combination before kikimora could hurt us for the last time.

I felt loopy as the scenery around flashed and changed.

"We... we made it!"
Gus announced.

Willow and Amity cheered and hopped around. My head hurt and I tried to keep on standing.

"Well you really beamed us up, eh, O'Bailey?"
Camila chuckled at the boys, and the three started fanboying about cosmic frontier.
"Beam us up! Beam us up! Beam us up!"

I would've looked at them to witness the wholesome sight, but I just felt the urge to sit down and die.

"Guys, come meet my palisman!"
Luz grabbed our attention.
As everyone put in their guesses, the creature appeared, changing it's shape over and over.
"She's a snake shifter! Her name is Stringbean, and she's PERFECT!"

I was so happy for her, but not for us.
I looked back down.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?"
Camila noticed and kneeled down next to me.

"I-It's nothing, I'm just not used to teleporting."
I sighed, staring at the ground.

"Are you crying, mija?"

I nodded my head in denial as my vision got blurry.

Hunter worried and kneeled down, trying to embrace me, but I couldn't move.

"Y/n, what's wrong?"
He let go.
"You've been so, so, quiet recently and I am so scared that I hurt you somehow..."

"I think it's my fault,"
Willow approached.
Gus and Camila stepped back so she could sit on the ground in front of me.

"Of course not. It's all me."
I scoffed.
"I am weak and useless and you are so amazing and strong and perfect..."

"Why would you say such a thing about yourself?!"
Hunter demanded to know.

"I failed to stay by your side as a girlfriend and I couldn't help you in your grief and now there's so much distance between us, it's driving me mad."
I finally admitted and broke down.
"I'm starting to doubt people in my life and I shouldn't. I'm just ridiculous."

"No, no you are not."
Willow insisted.
"I... ugh..."

She took a deep breath.

"Hunter means so much to me, but so do you. No matter how I try to cheer for you two and treat him as a friend, I just can't keep a hold of my feelings.
So much happened recently and I guess it just all came back to me when I felt to vulnerable and then my magic failed and-
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to get in between you two or make you feel any less. You are the strongest person I know and you are such and inspiration to me.
Hunter was just being a good friend and I was being a fool. Maybe in a different universe we'd be destined to be together, but here... here, you are perfect for him."
Willow confessed.

I finally raised my gaze from the ground.
And I hugged her.
And then she left.

It was all just a big misunderstanding.

I finally took in the fresh, cold air that lingered at the skull. I stood up and walked to the edge, taking in the view.

"I failed you."
Hunter appeared and stood by my side.
"I was too caught up in my sadness, I forgot how to be a caring boyfriend.
And it made you feel awful. I can't forgive myself for that."

I looked to my right and made eye contact with him.
I couldn't find the words.
I reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek, and then wrapped my arms around him.
He held me close.
I missed it so much...

"I forgive you, Hun."

"I love you, Bun."

"I love you, too."



Suddenly, the ground started shaking.

Pink strings from the sky wrapped around us all.

Hunter and I looked at each other before we were split up again.

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now