Chapter 1

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!DISCLAIMER!This book will include coping mechanisms, stimming, melt downs, shut downs, stuff that I myself experience as someone on the spectrum. So please read at your own disgression, as I absolutely suck at gauging what requires trigger warnings and what don't.I'm writing Mipha through my experiences with being on the spectrum, so I apologize if it doesn't match to others.

Also in this, Raine is head witch before Luz even arrives in the Isles, makes it easier for me.

Raine's POV:

I was in my office, sorting through the last of my paper work before my door burst open, I was expecting my daughter, but instead it was the Golden Guard.
"Head witch, I've come to get the files from-" He was pushed to the side by a scout, coming over and wrapping their arms around me, breathing heavily.

"Hey! You can't just-"
"Hang on, let her breath. The files are in my drawer, just please... one moment" I whispered, signalling for him to be quiet as I rubbed the scouts back.

"What happened? What do you need honey?" I continued rubbing circles on their back, hearing their whimpering as they could only make noises.
"Bad... bad feeling... bad feeling NiNi..." 
"The new uniform?" They nodded against me, I sighed, helping them stand and placing them on the couch at the side wall, opening  a drawer and pulling a blanket out and wrapping it around them.
"Take your mask off, do you want your bite beads?" They nodded as they took their mask off, I handed them a plastic ring with large beads on it as they began biting onto them.
"Just one moment Mipha, is that ok?" My daughter nodded, I grabbed the files, ushering the Golden Guard outside as I began closing the door behind me.

"Honey, get changed" I closed it, turning to him and handing them the files.
"Who was that?" They looked past me to the door.
"My daughter, she's sensitive to things, and aparently the new scout uniforms aren't good for her, probably scratchy"
"I didn't know you  had a kid" He looked away down the hall.
"She's a scout here, but she's not on duty a lot, I think you would actually like her. She's your age ya know" I smirked, slightly desperate for Mipha to make friends.

She's so isolated, all the other's thinks shes weird, when in reality, she was just wired differently from them.
"She's quite mature, she just has these shut downs every now and again"
"Wait... she's 16?" I nodded, before the door opened, Mipha stepping out in her pj's. Flannel pj pants and a grey bard coven t-shirt. Her favorites. She was still wrapped in the blanket, making me smile.

"You feeling better?"
"Yes, I am... thank you" She smiled, before looking to the Golden Guard.
"I'm sorry for shoving you, I know it was wrong, I was just... panicking" She offered her hand, in which I saw dried blood.

She was biting her hands on duty again, oh man.

"No problem, I'm Hunter" He removed his mask, shocking me. I've seen him before, as well as knowing his name, I'm just shocked he showed Mipha.
"Mipha... I like your gloves" She smiled, shaking his hand before she ran her fingers across the lines in his gloves palm, making Hunter freeze. I gently touched her shoulder, snapping her back.

"No it's ok! It's fine... I'll see you around, I gotta get these to Belos" He gave me a quick bow before walking off.

"Did I make a friend?" She turned to me, hope in her eyes as I smiled wide.
"Yes, you did. Just be yourself, do you want to go back to the room, or do you want to stay in my office for a bit?" She gestured to the door, telling me she wanted my office as we went back in, she sat on the couch, wrapping her blanket over her and pulling her scroll out.

"Does he have penstagram?" She smiled at me, grabbing her bite beads and gently biting them.
"I don't know sweetie, now, could I see your hands?" I grabbed and ointment and bandages, gently taking her hands and fixing her bites.
"You can't bite your hands, remember?"
"It's hard... I don't notice I'm doing it, and the gloves are bad, the whole uniform is clingy and itchy and I hate it" She grimaced, feeling the bandages and going back to her scroll. 

"Why don't you go see Uncle Dari and ask him to make you one you actually can wear?" I suggested to her as she shrank under her blanket, hiding beneath it.
"I don't want to bother him"
"What if I call and let him know you need his help?" She perked up, before she went back under the blanket.
"I need to do it myself..." She mumbled, making me smile at her.
"Well then, he should be in his office, go see him" I watched as she sat up, taking the blanket off and placing the beads down.

She went towards the door before turning around and grabbing the beads again.
"I'll be done soon, so when your done, head back to our room sweetheart" I nodded to her as she smiled, closing the door and walking away.

I worry for her sometimes, she's grown so much, and tries so hard to be like everyone else, but I want her to be her... sometimes I wonder if I should've let her live with... her...

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