Chapter 17

639 16 17

Hunter's POV:

It was now morning, we were all at the table, waiting for breakfast. I was running my hands through my now short hair. I had a bit of a break down last night, but luckily Willow caught me and helped me with my hair. Camila was making fluffy bacon omletes, a personal favorite, along side Mipha's favorite as well. Speaking of, she was still asleep. I've never been with Mipha when she's had a full melt down like that before, but I do know she has trouble speaking and doing basic functions after any of her meltdowns. So I decided to let her sleep. 
That, and if I wake her up, she'll get scared because of my new hair, you know Mipha, she really doesn't do well with unpromted changes.
I don't feel like being drowned today.

"Alright, foods almost done, can someone get Mipha please?" I froze, knowing waking her up was not gonna be easy today. 
"Hunter, don't you usually wake her up?" Luz sat next to me, humming as I looked away for a moment.
"Can't, new hair. I don't want to scare her, besides, she had a melt down last night, so she won't exactly be... peaceful, if woken up" I grimaced, remembering the trauma of nearly being drowned last time I had to wake her up after any form of melt down. 

"Fine, I'll go wake her" She shrugged, standing before I grabbed her wrist.
"Hunter! What gives?"
"You don't understand me, one does not just 'wake up Mipha', there's hundreds of variables to a safe wake up. But in the end it's a gamble, as you pray to any God available that she doesn't annihilate you when she-"
"Oh please, it can't be that hard" Luz yanked her hand from me and began going to the basement. I stood up, everyone following me as we all made our way downstairs to watch the murder take place. 

Luz walked right over, her first mistake. Mipha is constantly in tune with her surroundings. I watched as water crept out and onto the floor from a nearby flower pot. 

Here we go. 

"You sure you don't want any pointers?" I whispered, Luz scoffing before kneeling next to Mipha, placing her hand on her shoulder.

Mistake number two. 

She began shaking her shoulder gently, before speaking normally.
"Mipha, mama made your favorite for breakfast"

Mistake number three.

Mipha's face scrunched, turning over as Luz proceeded to poke her back.

Mistake number four. 

Gus nudged me pointing to the trail of water heading straight for Luz as I smiled knowingly, nodding my head as Willow raised her camera to get a shot of the action.

"Mipha, it's time to get-WAAHHHHH!" Luz screamed out as the water locked onto her ankle, lifting her up and upside down above Mipha.

"When could water lift people???" Vee snickered as I shrugged, Mipha knows how to do whatever she desires to with water. 
"Ready for me to show you?" I scoffed at Luz who just stuck her tongue out at me. I turned the light on, waiting about 10 seconds as I saw Mipha adjust to the change in her sleepy state. 

"Mistakes you made, starting with turning the light on and letting her adjust, if it's dark, she'll just attack you, it's a scout thing" I whispered, walking very slowly over to her.
"You also walked too fast, she can feel your footsteps, she would've seen you as an enemy, Mipha is constantly tuned into her surroundings" I smiled, kneeling next to her before hovering my hand over her arm, she reacted, rolling over to face me. 

"You have to go slow, let her adjust to everything as you go, anything sudden, and... well you're a perfect example of what happens" I laughed under my breathe placing my hand on her before slowly laying down beside her. Gently rubbing her arm and moving down to gently hold her hand, I lifted it, letting her adjust as I placed her hand on my scar. She began to rub it, beginning to stir in her sleep. 
I then moved her hand to my hair, letting her feel it so she has some time to register that my hair is different.

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