Chapter 13

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3 weeks later...

Hunter's POV:

I was sitting in the paranorma-torium, I had been hiding out here for a few weeks now, I've been living off of Hex Mix. My stomach... man, it's not the happiest in the world right now. But it's all Flapjack and I have been able to scavenge.
That is, until, the sandwich.

It was like it was made by the Titan itself. The most amazing sandwich in the world. 

I have been trying to contact Mipha, but she hasn't answered me, she hasn't posted to her story, nothing! I'm worried about her. So much so, I swallowed my pride and messaged Raine. I was now waiting for a response. 
But now, here I am, hiding in the bleachers. I was watching the events unfold, Graye was about to put a fake sigil on on of the Blight kids, before Gus interupted, and revealed it was all illusions. My heart sank, realising I was merely underneath the people who could lead me to my demise.
I couldn't quite hear everything, my own thoughts drowning out any outside noise before the whole gym began flickering with images, Gus seemed to be panicking as I decided to intervene. 

I grabbed his hand, running out of the gym, and continuing before I ran smack into a wall, falling down and groaning in pain.

"Why are we here?" I questioned, looking around as Gus sat up, looking to me.
"Woah, Gus... Is your eye ok?" I stood up, watching Gus rub his eyes, looking around.
"My spell- it's still active!" He cried out, looking to me.
"Well, you're a witch, un-spell it-"
"No! I don't know how... I've never made one this big before!" I looked to my left, running my hand along the edge of the illusion, aka the wall. It looked like we were in the market in Bonesborough.

"Well, if we're still in Hexide, we should go find a teacher. Maybe they know how to help" Gus nodded, walking with me. I kept my hand near the wall, following the path in front of us. It seemed like the illusion molded itself to the school's layout itself, meaning the alley's are school hallways.
"Hunter, why'd you save me back there? From getting a sigil? Don't those guys work for you?" I winced, knowing full well that I'm now just a mere traitor to the coven.
"I uh... Owed you, for the food" I shrugged, trying to exit the conversation. I got to some steps, staring at them.

"Are these real steps or illusion steps?" I took a step of faith, before immediately regretting all my life choices and falling down the steps.
"Real steps" I heaved, sucking in the breath that was knocked from my lungs as Gus came down beside me.
"When we first met, you were trying to trick me into joining a coven. And now, you're helping me stay out of one, because of a sandwich-"
"It was a good sandwich" I rolled my eyes, standing and walking away, Gus calling after me.

"Come on, what's going on with you?" His question hit me hard, making me realise that maybe... maybe I should tell him. He's friends with Luz, so he'll believe me, right?

"Hey! It's the kid!" Scouts called, giving me a split second to summon my staff and attack, before I was apprehended. Gus being tied with vines.
"Hey, aren't you the old Golden Guard?"
"Dude what the heck? We were on the same side!" they complained, making me smile nervously.

"Should we get her? The Emperor did task her with this mission alongside Graye..."
"Yeah, I'm sure she'd be happy to bring him back to his uncle" 

Who are they-

"Golden Guard! We've apprehended the kid! And... and the rogue" I looked up, before seeing someone walk to us. The uniform... it was a feminine twist on my old armor, except with more black, and the mask was different.
Wait, that hair...

"Mipha?! Oh thank titan! You gotta help me, Meephs!" I smiled, watching as she stepped to me, seemingly uninterested in my words.

"So you're the Emperor's runaway nephew... You know, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the Golden Guard right now, I'd still be with my parent, and my uncles, relaxing and taking each day one at a time, so really, I should be saying-" She punched me in the face, making me spit some blood from my mouth as I stared at her, shocked. She twisted my shirt in her fist, pulling me to her.

"Fuck. You" She growled, my heart broke, is she... why is she acting like this?!

"Mipha, it's me! Don't you remember me?" I felt tears forming, she seemed to freeze, before groaning and snapping her fingers, the two scouts walking beside her as she put a pendant near her mouth.
"I've got a headache, take him back to the castle" They saluted her, letting her walk away. They were about to grab me before Gus shot fire at them, freeing me and grabbing my arm, leading me away. We got to a weird bedroom, I began to panic, before hearing yelling farther away. It was the scouts calling out for Mipha again.
I felt my scroll vibrate, so I checked it quickly, trying to regulate my breathing and calm down.

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