Chapter 10

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Hunter's POV: 

I was in my room, lounging on my bed with my palisman, who I now knew, as Flapjack. We were relaxing, it had been about a week since Mipha left to stay with her mom, we haven't had any missions, and I was finally getting the hang of my new scroll that Darius gave me. I was even chatting with Mipha right now!

h.Ow r yoU/?

I was still staring at the message, when I said I was chatting, I meant I was waiting for her to see it and respond, I had sent about 9 messages now... it usually never took long, but today was different. I sighed, leaning into my pillow before my scroll dinged, and I nearly launched it into my face going to read it. Only for my face to fall as I saw it was only Luz bothering me again.

Dude, stop texting Mipha. She keeps trying to drown us because we won't let her on her scroll to answer you.

Why r u keEpI ng its fROM Her.<>/?

Remind me to teach you to type, I just about had a stroke reading that...



Oh right, she's got the common mold, I may have accidentally given it to her.

I slammed my scroll onto my desk, getting up and changing into my jeans and hoodie before shoving my wallet, keys, and scroll into the pockets.

"Let's go Flapjack!" He turned into a staff as I jumped out my window and went towards the Owl House. I zoomed over the isles, smiling as the Owl House came into view.
I landed on the roof, heading towards the window of where Mipha was staying before-

"HOOT HOOT! Hi Blondie! Mipha's been asking for yoooouuuuu" I jumped back before being entangled in the weird tube's body, it pulling me away from the window.
"Hey! But-"
"Buuuuuut Amity is here, and she does NOT like you! Trust me, I'm saving your life, hooty hoot" it's voice was screachy and annoying, I want it to shut up.
"Come on! I just want to make sure Mipha is ok! and to take care of her..."
"Because you loooooooooove her???" My face grew hot, a blush encasing my cheeks and tips of my ears as the bird tube spoke.

"If I said yes, would you let me see her?"
"Only if it's the truth" I thought for a moment, I've known Mipha for months... I guess... I guess I do love her, but I don't think she-

"I have her diary! I read it! She loves you! HOOT!" 
"I shouldn't have heard that!" I yelled, covering my ears. So what, it could be lying! But if it isn't... he just outed her! What do I do?! Why am I so confused as to how I feel right now?!

"Fine! I have feelings for her! Can I see her now?"
"mmmMMMMMMM NOPE! I value your life!" It smiled, retracting down towards the door again as I growled in frustration.

"Time wasting bird worm!" I yelled at it, not hearing or seeing any response so I returned to the window, only to yell out as the bird tube was now menacingly staring at me through the window, shaking it's head.
I'm gonna kill that thing.

I saw Mipha on the bed, sitting up and staring at me, squinting. She then began leaning to the side, beginning to fall. I pointed, trying to get the bird tube to look, but he just kept shaking his head at me. Mipha was seconds from falling as I pointed more aggressively, only met with more aggressive head shaking before finally, Mipha fell. She fell right on her face, distracting the tube long enough for me to teleport inside.

"Mipha! Are you ok?"
"Hey! I was trying to protect you! SHEESH!" The tube left, letting me help Mipha back up before she smacked her hands against my cheeks and squished them.

"Uhhhh... Meephs?" She was staring blankly at me, before I saw her pupils dialate to huge proportions.
"Fluffy boooooyyyyy" She giggled, squishing my face before putting her hands in my hair and gently messing it up.
"Oh wow, you've got it bad, huh? Have they given you any food or medicine" I gently grabbed her hands, making her lay down as she smiled at me.

"Yucky crackers.... mom is mom and dad is Nini..... then the monkey sings" She mumbled, looking at the cieling.
"What is a monk-"
"AMITY WAIT!" I was blasted into the wall by Amity, groaning as I clutched my head, looking up to see her basically fuming at me.

"Fireworks! too loud" Mipha groaned, covering her ears.
"I'm here making sure my friend is ok!" I rebutted against Amity's original question. Luz managed to calm her, whispering something in her ear.

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