Chapter 25

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Eda's POV:

I shook my head, heading out of my room and leaving Lily to her own thing with the elixer's for the both of us. I miss Raine... I would give anything for them to be here to talk to. But alas, they can't hear me or talk to me. I only just got them all back... but now Raine and Mipha are gone. Luckily I know Mipha is safe in the human realm with Luz, but that little selfish part of me wished she was here with me, where I could protect her myself.

The Owl Beast seems to have a history with the Collector, they overpowered my control on the Day of Unity. They won't tell me what, though. I remember seeing a glimpse of it the day I first turned into Harpy Eda, but it wasn't much to go off of. 
I got to the line up of Coven Heads, looking at Raine and feeling myself grow a little silly. I heard the door open, posing myself to be a puppet as King came around the corner with what seemed to be Hooty.

"BlaaaaAAGH" I flailed my arms and hung my head loose as King scoffed.
"Eda, come on, not right now" he shook his head as I hummed, stepping my foot outside the barrier and setting off the puppets, all of them running in front of me and drawing spell circles. I stared at Raine, my heart aching as I so wished I could save them.

"WAIT!" King squealed, pushing me back into the barrier as the puppets relaxed and filed back into their places. King and I began heading back through the bars and to my room with Lilith.
"You gotta stop leaving your room! The Collector thinks you're still in beast mode!" 
"I know... I just like visiting Raine... reminds me of Owlet, too" I sighed, getting back to our little hideout as Lilith was stirring her cauldron.

"LILY! Guess who King found!"
"In a moment, Edalyn!" she stopped me, grabbing a mug and scooping the liquid into it before handing it to me.
"Drink this, I think I got it right this time!" I took a swig, sighing as I felt the feather's retreat and fall of me, the cool air finally pricking my skin and making me feel relief. The taste, however...
"Bleck! Lily! It's actually impressive how the taste keeps getting worse! But it DOES work! Keep it up and you'll put Morton out of business!" I nudged her, watching her smile as King waddled up to us.

"Great! Now can you do something about this guy?" He held up Hooty, Lilith screaming and running over.
"HOOTSIFER! Is he ok? Can he hear me? HOOTSIFER!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" She held him in her hands, a stray tear falling on his face before his eyes lit up ever so slightly.
"The Quest stir into darkness like death, the dolcet tones of an angel wakes me. Be it you? LULU?!"
"It be! It be!" I grimaced, walking over and glancing at the spectacle.
"Hooty you keep finding new and impressive ways to creep me out..." I groaned, King coming over.

"Maybe the Collector can releade him too! Just like you and Lilith!"
"No! You are already putting yourself at enough risk just for us"
"Ugh, Lily's right. If the Collector finds out you're lying we'll all turn into puppets, for good!" King startled me as he gripped my leg, making me hum in confusion.

"What's the matter?"
"I don't know... I just miss Luz... and... I miss Mipha too" I tensed at the mention of her name. As much as I miss her and know she's safe, I've been a bit... irratable at her mention. Part of me just doesn't want to think about how I'm once again without my daughter.
I sighed, kneeling down to pet King.

"I miss them too, kiddo... but they're in the human realm now. Luz is with her real family-"
"Don't say it like that! You know you don't mean it!"
"What Eda means is: we'll find a way to defeat the Collector! At least the girls are safe and far FAR away from this madness!" Lilith hugged Hooty, growing somber as King hugged me.
King ran off to check on the Collector before he would come back to discuss any plans we could possibly make, just leaving Lily and I there. 

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