Chapter 14

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Mipha's POV:

I was laying in bed, Skittles the bunny in my arms as I stared at the cieling. The Day of Unity is in one week, and Emperor Belos wants me to stay in the castle now, to stay safe after the whole Hexide incident. He says I was held hostage... but I don't think I was, they were so friendly. The Emperor's runaway nephew... he makes my head hurt so damn much, like something is trying to break through a wall in my mind. Nini told me I carved Celeste with my mom, but I don't even remember making Celeste, let alone who my mother is.
Those dreams keep occuring, but now there's a new one.


"Hey Meephs! You made it!" the rogue waved to me, before gently taking my hand and leading me to a dock, with a picnic basket.
"You're really gonna spend your ONE day off, with me on a dock?"
"Why would I do anything else? Everything else is work related" he shrugged, opening the basket and handing me a thermos. I opened it, seeing my favorite noodles in it.

"Hey! You remembered!"
"Yep, I tried to anyways" I smiled at him, before he hugged me.
"So, what do you wanna do after this?"


He's haunting me.... I want to know more, but Belos would strangle me... he already...

"Sweetheart? How're you feeling?" Nini came in, smiling and bringing the first aid kit back in and sitting next to me.
"My head hurts... I keep thinking about-"
"Well... the name rings a bell" I shrugged as Nini gestured for me to remove my shirt. I did as prompted, revealing the two gashes, one on my left shoulder, and the one straight through my stomach. I dodged the one that created my shoulder, but my stomach... I wasn't so lucky.

"Looks like it's healing alright, Hetti did her best... Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry he did that to you"
"No it's fine... he didn't mean to, it was his curse"
"Mipha, don't make excuses for him, he's not a good man, why do you think Hunter ran off?" They looked at me with pleading eyes, preparing the disinfectant and bandages as I sighed.

"I don't know... I don't remember..." I removed my glasses, setting them on the table as I winced at the stinging from the wounds, soon enough, it was done and I flopped onto my back, rubbing my hands on the blankets for the soft, warm feeling.

"I wanna remember... I know Terra is lying to me" I saw Nini's blurry figure freeze, before slumping down.
"Nini, tell me the truth" I sat back up, Nini sighing and standing, heading to my desk and grabbing something from a drawer.

"Put your glasses on, and take this" I did as they said, taking the object and putting my glasses back on. It was an amber gem, it was surrounded in a gold metal, and connected together by a gold string to create a bracelet.
"What is this?" Nini sat back down, shifting to sit in front of my cross legged.
"It's an oracle stone, when you first met Hunter, you both went into the market, and he bought you that. Try touching the gem" I hesistated, really letting the words sink in before I placed my index finger on the gems smooth surface, before crying out as images flashed through my eyes. I yanked my finger back, breathing heavily as I stared at the stone.

"Try again, I promise it will help"
"It hurt!" I cried, pushing the bracelet to them.
"It's gonna hurt... Mipha, Terra messed up your memories, so you wouldn't get distracted. You and Hunter were best friends. She also made you forget your mom... and while I can't help you remember her right now, I can help with Hunter... So please, sweetheart, try again" they fastened the bracelet to me, watching as I slowly placed my finger back.

"Do you like flying?"

"you are NOT stupid, Mipha I hate it when you call yourself that..."

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