Chapter 22

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Mipha's POV:

"Caleb! Darling come here! She's kicking!" I called, Caleb bursting through the door and sitting next to me, placing his hands on my stomach. 
"I... don't feel anything..." He frowned, leaning down and kissing my stomach gently, before looking back to me.
"Why doesn't she like me?"
"Oh Caleb, I promise it's not like that, she's just very unpredictable, why not relax for a while, I'm sure she'll- Oh!" I gasped, feeling our baby kick me again, Caleb's face lit up, our daughter becoming active again and kicking where his hands were.

"There's my princess! She's not hurting you, is she?" I shook my head, surpressing my giggles as each kick felt fluttery rather than painful. She was a pretty active baby, but it made me happy. 
"I told you she loves you, Caleb" I smiled, lifting his chin and smooching his forehead.
"I just want everything to be perfect" He breathed out, moving his hands to different spots on my belly, my smile growing with each movement from either of them. 

"Well you've certainly bought enough clothing for her, and the nursery is all set, all that's left is to wait for another month before we meet her" I shrugged, gesturing to the giant pile of baby clothes. Caleb went a little over board, but I loved it. 
Celeste and Flapjack flew over, both landing on my bump and talking to the unborn child. 

"Everything must go perfectly... I just wish Philip-"
"Caleb, he made his choice, please don't dwell on it" I cupped his face as he stood, moving to sit beside me on the couch as Celeste and Flapjack were snuggling together on my belly, beginning to fall asleep.

"But he is my brother... I did my best to raise him... but I guess I failed. Evelyn, what if I mess up this time? Our own daughter... what if-" I interupted him by kissing him, passion filling our minds and senses before I pulled back slightly, feeling his breath on my face.
"You will not, you raised a strong willed man, he simply chose the wrong path... Our daughter will live a fruitful life, spoiled rotten by her loving father. I will handle her morals, while you protect her from dangers. I promise you, you will be wonderful" I reassured him, watching a stray tear slide down his cheek. 

"I love you Evelyn"
"And I love you, Caleb"


I woke up, gently moving and sitting up. I grabbed my glasses, carefully standing up, as to not disturb Celeste. I got to the stairs, seeing Hunter and Gus passed out. Once I got upstairs, I heard talking from the dining room. I just want water, now I gotta interupt who ever is in the room. 

"I know what I have to do now... after the hayride, I'm telling everyone I'm staying in the human realm... permanately"
"Mipha!" Luz slammed her laptop shut as I stared at her, processing what I just heard. 

"W-what are you doing up? Ahahaaa" She laughed nervously, trying to act cool as I went to the fridge and grabbed a juice box, tossing another one to Luz.
"I could ask you the same thing... I had an uncomfortably realistic dream, so now I'm up. You're really not going to come back with us?" I urged, pulling a chair and sitting next to her as she punched the straw into the box.

"I... I messed up too much, and put everyone in danger-"
"I'm gonna stop you there-"
"But I only got like 4 words out-"
"Luz! My mom always told me how happy she was to have you! How proud she was of you, and your skills with magic! Sure you made some mistakes, but really, that's just life. You're being too hard on yourself!" I scolded, scooting the chair closer and taking her hand. 

"If you really, TRULY want to stay here, and not come home with us... I won't stop you, but you're so wanted, in both realms... if you're doing this because you feel bad, don't, that's not a reason to detatch yourself from a place that made you so happy! I'm proud of how you've grown, though I know that doesn't mean much... at first, when we met, I didn't like you, not because of anything you did, but because of your nature, loud and bubbly, I just couldn't handle it... but you've grown, and matured, and I'm proud of you for growing like that. I know a lot of it is trauma... but it checks out, you've dedicated yourself to getting us home, to stopping the Collector. Please, come back with us... I can't imagine fighting the Collector without you" I offered her a warm smile as she began to sob, launching herself onto me and wrapping me in a hug as she cried into my shoulder. 

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