Chapter 18

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Hey everyone! Striker here!
I just want to remind you all that Mipha is written around my personal... for lack of a better word "case" of autism. I'm fully aware that not all of you act the way Mipha does, and that's because she's written based on myself. 
Any and all hate comments have and will be deleted, as I'm not going to tolerate it.
I'm writing this book because it's insanely difficult to find ANY form of x reader that contains a reader with autism.
Yeah, at first I was hesitant, but the fact that I have recieved lots of messages from people like myself, thanking me for this book, it's made me beyond thankful and happy I could make something to make others happy, and feel seen and heard.
Please feel free to leave comments and vote for chapters. I ADORE comments, and they actually give me a ton of motivation to keep writing. 

Now, enough of the serious shit, onto the story.
Happy reading!


Mipha's POV:

Amity, Luz, Hunter, and I were on a double date at the park, I was happily laying in the grass on a blanket, tracing the clouds. 

"Well this feels familiar" Hunter stood over me, leaning down and blocking my view.

"Hunter, you know I think you're absolutely gorgeous, but I'm tracing clouds, move" I smiled as he pretended to be offended, laying next to me as I raised my hand, continuing my tracing adventure. Hunter began tracing with me as I caught myself biting my lip, so I quickly slipped the necklace into my mouth. Luz and Amity came over, watching us for a minute.

"Hey Mipha, you doing alright? Yesterday was pretty rough for you" Luz cleared her throat, forcing me to stop and sit up.
"Yeah, I'm ok... some shut downs are worse than others" I shrugged, standing up and offering my hand to Hunter, who took it and stood.
"Thanks, Sunshine" He kissed my cheek, making me crack a small smile.
"Gus kinda upset me... I don't understand what I did to him to make him not like me... though I guess I'm used to it, not a lot of people like me" I tried to laugh it off, but I dropped my shoulders once I realised Luz wasn't buying my smile.

"Mipha, what Gus has been saying to you hasn't been ok. You're allowed to be upset about it, this isn't the Emperor's Coven, you have friends that care about you" Luz's words made my heart light up as I realised that she was right... I have friends...

Not just Hunter, but they were truly my friends. Nini would be so happy to see me with them, they always worried about my social life. 
I felt tears begin to form, quickly wiping them away and laughing, thanking them as we packed up and started heading towards town, we were going to go to a cafe. I grabbed my new headphones from my messenger bag, slipping them over my ears as Hunter adjusted his beanie to cover his ears, Amity fixed her headband as we went in and sat down, picking up menus. 

"Amity and I are gonna get milkshakes and some pastries, what about you guys?" Luz set the menu down, wrapping her arm around Amity as I stared at the menu. The headphones have really helped with the noise around us, so I was actually really enjoying this experience for once.

"What is a 'hot chocolate'? I might get that..." I mumbled, Luz perking up and pointing at the picture to the side of the words.
"Remember that chocolate bar you liked? It's like a drink version of that, but hot!" I nodded my head, Hunter pointing at a coffee he wanted to try. 

"You need to eat something, what do you want?" Hunter asked gently, holding me close as we skimmed over the menu.
"Something warm..." I responded, feeling Hunter nod and point at some different things. 

"Luz, anything warm I could have?" Luz nodded, pointing out a few things, I considered all of them before deciding I wanted to try the apple pie, aparently they make it hot, and then put a scoop of ice cream on the side, it sounded yummy. Hunter decided to get something called a croissant.

We started talking more about any plans we could try for a portal, all of them coming up to multiple dead ends. Nothing we came up with would work, each idea getting more ridiculous than the last. 

"Well... I read a book about the witch hunters of Gravesfield, it said that the Wittebane brothers were rumored to be able to go back and force between the two realms, maybe theres a stash of Titan's blood somewhere?" I suggested as our food arrived, we ignored it for a moment to finish our thoughts. Hunter seemed to tense when I mentioned the book, I know why, but I never said he was the one who got the book. 
"That's a thought, did it say exactly where they were able to do this?" I shook my head, making Luz's stature shrink. 
"Sorry Luz, I wish I knew more" I shook my head before we all decided to eat our food and leave the plans there for the day. I tried the pie, smiling wide as I turned to Hunter.

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