Chapter 16

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Just a warning, Mipha gets called the 'r' word in this chapter, it's near the beginning, but I know it's a very sensitive word. Unfortunately I myself have been called this multiple times. It's a sad reality, that I wanted to address somehow in this book, since I've been writing Mipha through my own case on the spectrum. I'll put it in bold, so hopefully you'll be able to avoid it if you personally need to.

Hunter's POV:

It's been over a week since we got to the Human realm, and over a week since Mipha tried to end her own life. I've kept a closer eye on her, and Camila even bought a second sleeping bag for her to stay downstairs with Gus and I. She thought maybe she could squish into Luz's room, but Mipha shut that down, saying she wanted to be with me.
Willow, Amity, Gus, and Luz managed to make a bunch of ID's for us. I am now Hunter Deamonne, and when Mipha was given the choice of either of her last names, she actually had a really hard time deciding, but in the end, she kept Whispers as her last name. 
Camila and Mipha go to this support group every Wednesday, meeting people like her that are her age. 
Luckily since we made those ID's, Mipha was seen by a doctor, and given her medications, and since she started taking them again, I've noticed she's a lot more focused. She's not as hazey, she's part of our reality a lot more now instead of trapped in her head. Luz starts school again this week, and we're also finally beginning to make a new portal door. We went shopping for clothes, but Mipha has stuck with wearing Camila's old clothes. I'm wearing a yellow sunset button up, and cargo shorts. These shoes are called 'sneakers', and they're really comfy!

Mipha was wearing a light blue tank top with a rainbow infinity symbol on it, and black shorts that reached her knees, and black sneakers like mine. The Palisman are all back at the house, we decided bringing them to a public park might not be a good idea right now.

We were now all in the park, playing a human sport called 'baseball'. I've been enjoying it, the rules seem simple enough. Hit the ball, run to a base before the ball is caught by the bases guardian. If you hit it out of the selected area, you get to run straight to home. If you swing and miss, it's a strike, 3 strikes and you're out. 
Luz said there were more rules, but right now we were just trying to have fun. Mipha has been guarding the final base for the past 30 minutes, she keeps insisting she stay there, even when we switch sides. 

"Mipha you should try batting!" Luz tried to encourage her, but she merely shook her head. 

"I'm ok" She smiled, before shooting her arm out to catch a fast ball that Gus tried to catch her off guard with. 

"Hey! Nice shirt you freak!" Someone yelled at Mipha, making her turn and give them the middle finger.
"What's wrong with her shirt?" Amity went to her, rubbing her shoulder before Mipha tossed the ball to Luz, who was pitching.
"I got this shirt from that support group Camila and I attend, aparently the rainbow infinity symbol is for people on the spectrum, like me... Don't worry, I've been called worse than freak. I mean Kikimora and Belos called me a parasite all the time" She shrugged, I nodded as Willow went to base, readying herself with the bat. Right now, Gus, Amity, and Luz were on bases like Mipha, and myself, Willow, and Vee were hitting the ball. 

"Come on, Meephs, try a swing!" Willow beckoned, Mipha rolling her eyes before stepping over and taking the bat from Willow.
"Hunter, can you show me what to do?" She pleaded as Willow then took her spot on the base. 
"Sure" I smiled, moving over to her, I began helping her stand right.

"It's just like how it was when we would train, always revert to this stance, it helps with center of gravity, but also gives you a good push off position for running to the base, imagine the bat is your staff, and the ball is one of those spells you would always send back at me"
"The ones that you would squeal like a child and run from?" She snickered, making me groan and burry my face into her shoulder.
"Yes. Those ones" I grumbled, listening to her heavenly laugh.

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