Chapter 4

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Mipha's POV:

"I can't do it" I sighed, falling onto my butt and rolling onto my side.
"Come on, Owlet. You've done so well today, why don't we stop? Before your Nini kills me" Mom helped me to my feet, I pouted, unhappy with my own performance. 
"I suck at magic" I grumbled, wanting to bury my face in the dirt.
"No, you don't. You did every spell perfectly, don't be so hard on yourself" she hugged me, walking towards the house as Nini was inside with Luz.

I don't like Luz very much, she's too.... too much...
She's a good person, I just don't like being around her.

'Hey Mipha, how's you day going?' I perked up, looking at my bracelet as mom took me inside, I grabbed the bracelet.
'meh, I suck at magic, what are you up to?'
'spying on the Owl Lady... from what I saw, your magic is great!' I looked back through the door, seeing his gold mask in the bushes.

'pick a different hiding spot, I see you' 
'Titan, thanks... wanna help me play hooky? Go for a walk?'
'sure, let me tell Nini and mom'

"Nini, mom, can I go for a walk?" Nini nodded, Mom kinda unsure of how to authoritate me.
"Is that safe, Raine?"
"She's good, she's probably going to see her friend, right?" I nodded my head, before running through the door and to the bushes, smiling as Hunter stopped crouching, removing his mask.

"Hey! Just walking?" I nodded, biting my necklace again as we walked. He took my hand, knowing I liked his gloves as he began telling me about his day.
"So, what was that spell you were trying to do?" I looked at him, frowning as I removed the pendant from my mouth.
"basic levitation" I mumbled, barely audible since it was hella embarrasing that I couldn't do something SO simple!

"Oh wow, I think you can do that"
"But I can't! It requires so much focus that I just don't have! I can only focus on it for like 5 seconds before my thoughts scramble and I lose focus! I'm just so stu-"
"you are NOT stupid, Mipha I hate it when you call yourself that..." he huffed, pulling me into a clearing and facing me.
"It's true... What teenager can't do basic levitation?" I sulked as Hunter raised a brow.
"Except you" I corrected, making him laugh as we sat down in the grass, not before I put a blanket down.

"You wanna try again?" I shook my head, rubbing my hands against the blanket and rocking back and forth before laying on my back.
"Mipha, you're not stupid... you're just different, so spells have to be done differently for you" he grabbed my hand, letting me rub my thumb on his glove again.
"It just makes me feel stupid when I can't do things other's can" I pouted, the sky was clear today, no clouds to trace. I felt cramped, like I didn't have any space to move, and my body felt stiff and just generally uncomfortable.

"You wanna walk again? You look tense"
"I don't know..." I began biting at my pendant violently, it beginning to hurt my teeth as I let out a squeak, rolling onto my stomach and wheezing out incoherent squeaks and noises. Hunter sitting up and looking around to see what was acting as a trigger. I curled up, rocking back and forth before I felt a soft fabric wrap around my shoulder's, I grabbed it, curling up in it as Hunter hugged me.

"Sorry... I know my cloak isn't weighted, but I hope the hug helps" I smiled, humming with each breath as I rocked back and forth with Hunter. I started feeling better, sucking on my pendant before biting it a few more times before focusing more on breathing.
"I met my mom"
"The owl lady..."
"Don't tell Belos, please... I want my mom... and I want Nini to be happy with her" I whispered, Hunter holding a little tighter before releasing me.
"I won't, I promise. I won't tell Belos you and Raine are here with her" I nodded my head before standing up and wrapping his cloak around me.

I looked over, seeing a really pretty sunflower, I swirled my finger, focussing on how I wanted it to come to me, and smiled as it snapped the stem and floated over into my hand.
"I did it" I smiled, Hunter hugging me and placing the flower behind my ear.
"Let's get you back" I nodded, walking with him before I finally got back to the Owl House, saying goodbye and heading inside, seeing Hooty inside pestering Luz.

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