Chapter 19

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Hunter's POV:

The next morning, I got up, going to Mipha's mattress to wake her, before remembering she was upstairs, and not down here with me. With this thought, I went upstairs, careful to not wake Gus since it was around 6am, I love sleeping in, but sometimes my body still thinks I'm in the castle.
Once I was up, I closed the basement door and looked to see Mipha wasn't on the couch. I looked around, before seeing the bathroom door was closed. I knocked, hearing no response. I grew worried, last time this happened, there was water on the floor and- Mipha was...

I shook my head, opening the door before letting out a small gasp. Mipha was asleep, leaning on the seat of the toilet, she was insanely pale, making me worried as I gently shook her shoulder. She's too sick to use magic, so that's not something I need to worry about right now. She stirred awake, groaning and looking up at me, squinting since she didn't have her glasses on.

"It's me, Meephs, you feeling al- Oh there you go" I winced, watching her throw up again. I stood, opening the mirror and pulling out the cold medicine, alongside some stuff for her stomach. 
"What time do you think it is?" She groaned, pressing on her stomach and rolling her head on her arm to look at me.
"2am?" I shook my head, getting the right dose of both medicines and having her take them. She did, sticking her tongue out as the gross taste stayed in her mouth. I helped her to her feet, getting her to the couch and making her lay back down. 
She kept pressing down on her stomach, seeming to calm each time she did it.
"Do you need me to press on your stomach? Is it helping you?"
"It doesn't hurt when I apply pressure, less nauseas that way too..." She mumbled, wincing as she moved. I quickly took her temperature, seeing it was only 1 degree lower than last night.

I looked to the pillow next to the couch, seeing Flapjack and Celeste asleep.

"Flap! You were supposed to be on vomit watch! Why didn't you get me?" I scolded, earning angry chirps from him as he tried to tug my hair, before angrily snuggling back into the pillow.
"Don't blame him, I was throwing up all night" she breathed out, trying to get comfortable as I thought for a moment, before grabbing one of the blankets, and throwing it off of her. I climbed on top of her, scooting down enough where my head was at her stomach. 

"What are you doing?"
"You can play with my hair, and I'll put pressure on your stomach, and then hopefully, you can sleep for a bit" I smiled, giving her tummy a quick kiss before laying down, hearing her sigh in relief as I put all my weight down, making sure she was comfortable as she put her hands in my hair, giving me a little massage.

I will fully admit, her stomach was LOUD, granted I had my ear pressed to it, but holy Titan, it was active. I heard buzzing, before both of us lifted our heads and seeing Clover and Celeste carrying a tray over. It was more soup for Mipha.

"Aw, it's soup, thanks Clover, thanks Celeste" Mipha smiled, taking it and eating it happily. Both Palisman happily talking and celebrating the praise as I stared at Flapjack.
"See? They're helpful" he scowled at me, before hopping to the side to face away from me. Mipha laughed at us, finishing her soup and placing the bowl down, Clover and Celeste were about to take it before Flapjack just hopped into it, rolling in the remains of the tomato soup.

"Flapjack!" I groaned, knowing I would need to give him a bath now. 
"Go ahead and wash him off, I'll be ok for a bit" Mipha smiled, kissing her fingers before pressing them to my cheek. 
"Alright, send Celeste if you need me" I smiled, getting up and grabbing Flapjack, heading straight for the washroom, he was angry, trying to peck my hands as I turned on the sink, putting in the plug and watching the water, before plunging Flap under the water. He floats since he's wood, so you really have to just try and drown him for a second to wash him. With the first part out of the way, I gently scrubbed his feathers, getting all the soup off. He finally calmed down, just happy he was getting attention since I stuck him on vomit watch for the night. I was at peace for a moment before there was a loud banging on the closed door.

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