Chapter 26

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Mipha's POV:

We got to Hexide, Mattholomul explaining that all the teachers were turned into dolls by these spy things that the Collector created, and aparently the Captain of the Grudgby team got her team captured. The school was a mess, and it was kinda sad to witness. Amity reunited with her siblings, Gus scolded people for eating paperclips, and Willow was asked to stop a... war?

"Who's this?" A girl asked, pointing to me.
"That's Mipha, she's Ed-"
"The Silver Soldier" I snapped at Gus, making him freeze wide eyed. I kept walking, everyone seemed to be catching on to my behaviour.


Hunter's POV:

"Dude, what is going on with Mipha?"
"I broke up with her, she's not taking it-"
"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled at me, making me confused.

"You BROKE up with her?! After everything?!" Luz shrieked, everyone double checking that Mipha wasn't around us, she seemed to have wandered off on her own.
"Dude, what is WRONG with you! You two were made for each other! Why did you break up with her?!" Willow added, shaking my shoulders.

"I just thought it was for the best we not have a relationship getting in the way of our mission" I reasoned, but everyone just looked at me like I was an idiot.
I was about to speak again before we heard screaming down the hall, we ran through and saw water floating around. We went around the odd statue of Principle Bump, seeing Mipha standing there with her fists clenched at her sides, breathing heavily. Her skin was dripping, leaving drops of water on the floor before she saw us and regained her composure- the water returning to it's places as Mipha turned to us, giving a soft smile. 

"Sorry! What did I miss?" we all stared at her as she adjusted her glasses. 
"Mipha- you're bleeding through your bandages" Amity went over to Mipha, before snapping her fingers.
"Come with me! My sister can heal your wounds now!" Amity dragged Mipha away, making me sigh. Did I really make the right choice?

"Hunter, I want to tell you this as your temporary guardian... I think you made a mistake, you two were perfect together, a perfect yin and yang. You balanced each other out perfectly- I don't want you to regret this" Camila rubbed my shoulders, making me start to realise just how right she was. Mipha completed me... now she's... acting like the Golden Guard, and not like Mipha. Also... whatever just happened with the water isn't normal, so she's going through something else now too...

What have I done?


Mipha's POV:

Emira healed my wounds, letting me stretch my back, hearing it crack in mutliple places.
"That feels amazing, thank you"
"Don't worry about it- cutie" Emira winked, making me blush.
"Emira, don't flirt with her" Amity scowled.
"Can I?" Edric gave a big excited smile, making me laugh as Amity yelled at him too.

I noticed I laughed, clearing my throat and going back to how I was before.

"We need to get back to the others, let's go" Amity frowned, she's too smart for her own good, I swear.

We got back to the others, Gus was freaking out about how Mattholmul had a last name? I obviously missed something. We started walking to the gym, opening the doors as we looked up. A girl with pink hair sat upon a throne, a red demon at one side, a bigger... thing on her other.

The girl snapped her fingers, the boy in front of us slinking back in disapointment before he noticed us.
"Oh my gosh it's you guys!" he exclaimed, making me smirk.
"Did she take ANY of our ideas?" Mat asked, the other boy shaking his head.
"No, sorry. Ugh I gotta make sure the Kindergardeners aren't hunting down the lockers again- it was a blood bath last time. So glad you're alive!" He waved, leaving the room.

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