Chapter 7

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Mipha's POV:

"I don't know Hunter... we sure this is right? Feels odd doing this when I have Celeste" I mumbled, pulling the cord to start the ship, watching it start as Hunter removed the anchors and went back to the steering.
"We have to, Belos needs them. Celeste is different... she's yours" I scrunched my nose at that, making me hate his attitude that I usually love.

"Oh, so just because I own Celeste, she's fine?" He grumbled, the ship taking off.
"Fine, I'll drop it" I began biting my necklace, standing by the wheel as Hunter continued to pilot the ship. We were heading towards Hexide, Celeste was resting on my shoulder, grooming my hair as I had my mask off. 

"Look... I'm just following orders, I don't exactly want to do this either... Despite their danger's, they are living creatures" I walked to him, leaning against him.
"It's alright, we just gotta get this over with"
"Agreed, can you drive for a bit, Meephs?" I nodded, taking the wheel as Hunter went to the back of the ship, checking the engine before walking back to me and hugging my back.

"You feeling alright?" I nodded, focusing on flying as we finally made it to Hexide. Hunter grabbed the nest, securing it to the ship before we both took off again. The ship adjusted to the additional weight as Hunter took the wheel so I could put my mask back on, since we would be dropping it off with scouts, I had to be in full uniform. Still not a huge fan of the mask.

"Hey, I saw you were having trouble keeping the ship straight, want me to show you good way for balance?" I smiled, nodding to him as he let me take the wheel again. He stood behind me, his chest pressed to my back as he took my hands in his, helping me steer and holding the ship steady. 
"You gotta try and keep this peg on the wheel pointing straight up, see? It's the one with the gold knob on the top"
"Oooooh that... that makes too much sense... now I feel kinda du-"
"Don't you dare say the 'D' word" He tightened his arms, squeezing my shoulders and clenching my hands in his.

"Sorry, sorry... can't help it" I mumbled, before feeling a smile creep onto my face, I liked it when he held me.  He began whistling, making me relax as we started flying close to Latissa.

"Hi-YAH!" Hunter jolted, both of us turning to see Luz.
"huh?" Hunter barely squeaked out before he held me tight as we were shot around the ship, screaming before we were launched off. 

"You alright?!" He screamed as he caught us on his staff, Celeste squeaking and tucking into my little bag on my hip.
"I'm.... I've been better, come on!" He nodded, teleporting us back to the ship. I sat cross legged on the bow while Hunter laid on his side.

"Ok, now how do I land this thing?" Luz questioned, checking the steering controls as I smiled at Hunter, nodding our heads.
"Oh, you just pull that cord above your head" He mused, Luz standing and seeing the cord, reaching for it.

"Oh, thank y-HUH?!"
"Hi~" We both coed as Hunter used his staff to send Luz flying into the back of the ship, bound by ropes. I felt my chest contract, making me take in a long breath of air and begin chewing on my hand. 
Hunter noticed, pushing my hand down and gently putting my pendant in my mouth.

"Good to see you too, Human. One moment" He turned to me, checking my uniform and placing his hand on my cheek.

"You're ok? Not hurt" His voice full of concern as he continued scanning me for injuries.
"I'm fine, Goldie"
"Hey! Why are you stealing Palisman, Golden Guard?!" Hunter growled, turning on his heal.
"Frankly-" He teleported inches from Luz, leaning over her.
"you should be more concerned about yourself! For the crime of- ROCKETING me and the Silver Soldier off of our own ship, you'll be locked in the dingiest cell of the conformitorium, for the rest of your sad little life!" He scolded, standing back up as Luz rolled her eyes.

A Little Different (Golden Guard x !Austistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now