Chapter 3

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Mipha's POV:

The familiar woman held me in her arms, bouncing me and humming a song. Her orange hair swaying as she walked with me in her arms, my little hands reaching for her as her voice rang through my ears.

"You're ok... You're alright... I'll never, ever leave your side... I will stay, and I will fight... with you" She began humming again, rocking me in her arms as her face became clear, her golden eyes looking down at me, full of love, tears forming in the corners as her smile was soft, loving, but sad. 
"You're okay... You're alright... I'll stay here through the darkest night... All the way, I will fight... with you" her soft voice, made me feel safe, and secure as she kissed my head. Her picture fading as the world around me grew noisier, snapping me from my dream...


I opened my eyes, shooting up into a sitting position as I looked to my side, seeing Nini on their scroll.
"Morning sweetheart" They sat up, smiling as they kissed my head and climbed to the end of the bed, getting up and stretching.
"What time is it?"
"9 am... so, wanna go meet your mom?" I smiled, nodding my head as they left the room, closing the door as I stood, smiling as I grabbed my jeans, and grabbing a red shirt and blue flannel button up long sleeved shirt. I put my sneakers on, finding them the most comfortable thing I had for footwear. I put my necklace on, immediately biting it for grounding as I walked out of my room with my messenger bag.

"Alright, banana?" I nodded, grabbing it and eating it. I threw the peel out before Nini and I started towards the door. 
"Now Mipha... we are dropping by unannounced... I haven't seen your mom since you were a year old, and she told me to keep you away till you were 13... I've kept you from her for longer than that, obviously, so she'll most likely be angry with me... so this might not go very well" I nodded my head, walking with them through the door and heading out to the castle entrance.

"Did you tell Lilith about me?"
"No, she doesn't need to know if Eda doesn't want her to" they shook their head, taking my hand and pulling me along gently.

"Could we grab more of these necklaces on the way? I gave one to Hunter since he found it interesting" 
"Sure we can, sweetheart" I smiled, picking up my pace as we walked, on the way through the market, we grabbed a bunch more chewable jewelry, bracelets, necklaces, there was even a ring, which I grabbed. So now I had a bunch, and would be set for a while.
We got to the forest, walking through it before Nini stopped me.

"Hang on, Eda has a house demon, a very VERY loud, intrusive owl tube, so I'll go on ahead and calm it down, I don't want it scaring you" They held my face, kissing my forehead before adjusting their glasses and heading through the bush. There was a big house, rounded roof with a stained glass window of an eye at the top. I saw Nini approach the house, the bird tube going after them and screaming incoherent things before they got it to calm down. 

"Sweetheart! Come here! It's safe!" I walked over, the bird tube sucking in a long gasp, bobbing up and down. I copied it, my stimming taking over.
"A new friend! Wait a minute, you look familiar...." he inspected me, sniffing me before inhaling again.
"Hooty! Noise!" Nini scolded as the owl retracted into the house, I took my hands off my ears, sticking my pendant back in my mouth as Nini knocked on the door, stepping in front of me as I got shy and hid out of sight behind them.

"Don't be nervous, your mother is a wonderful woman" they smiled, taking my hand before the door opened, revealing a young girl, looking about a year or two younger than me.
"Hi... who are you?"
"Oh uh... this wasn't what I was-"
"THEY'RE HERE FOR EDA HOOT HOOT" I covered my ears, grimacing as it screamed again. That thing is overwhelming.

"Oooooh, thanks Hooty! EDA THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" The girl yelled before crashing was heard.
"Nini I wanna go" I whispered, feeling overwhelmed from the yelling as they squeazed my hand, reassuring me of my safety.

"Alright Alright kid, I'm here, I'm- RAINE?!" She yelled as I whimpered. Nini shushed her, begging with pleading eyes.
"Luz, take King into town, to the playground or something" 
"Yes ma'am" the young girl saluted, grapping a furry creature and running off with a staff.

"Raine, why are you here..." she frowned, not seeing me cowering behind Nini as they cleared their throat.
"I believe I'm 3 years late to a reunion..." Nini shook, as I peeked over their shoulder, the woman's eyes going wide as they looked at me. I stood straight, taking the pendant out of my mouth and stepping from behind Nini.

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