Chapter 6

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Mipha's POV:

We stood by the Emperor as all the coven heads stood around a lit fire. I was standing beside Hunter, as Kikimora was on the other side of Belos.

"The Day of Unity approaches, where we'll celebrate the purrification of magic under the coven system, just as the Titan intended" I began rocking back and forth as Kikimora spoke, her voice echoing and reverbrating in my ears. The mask wasn't helping with the sound. I tried my best to stand still, but my body was acting on it's own, trying to keep me calm.
Kikimora noticed my swaying, giving me a glare.

"Ahem!" I froze, looking to see Kikimora very unamused.
"sorry..." I mumbled, trying to stand still again.

"As heads of the nine covens, we celebrate your efforts to complete this plan-" I started humming, becoming overstimulated by the echo, and trying to not bite my lip. I was failing miserably, beginning to feel detatched from my body as I began rocking back and forth again.

"Silver Soldier, I would politely ask that you cease this behavior. May we continue?" I nodded to Kikimora, stancing myself again as Darius, Nini, and Eber looked at me, very concerned as I began shaking, really trying to concentrate on staying still.

'Stay still... Stay still... Stay still...' I repeated in my head, my body trembling as I fought against it's needs to stimulate me.

"As I was saying, as heads of the nine covens, we celebrate your efforts to complete this plan. For this, you have earned a glimpse of the reward that awaits" I bit my lip, tensing as I realised I broke the skin again. 

"Step forward" Belos called, the coven heads doing as told, and placing their medallions onto the fire pit, their eyes glowing white as I put my hand to my mouth, biting at the fabric. Hunter took my hand, gently placing it down at my side as I tried to not make noise, or move. Little squeaks came out of my throat, but I managed to not yell out or anything too disruptive. The echo was driving me crazy.

"The larger your covens grow, the more power we'll have to unite our realms, where the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic-" Belos was cut off by his body tensing, groaning as Hunter went to his side. Helping him up and walking past me. Kikimora went to follow, but Hunter stopped her.

"No. Stay here. I can handle this alone. Silver Soldier, I trust you'll watch over this?" I nodded, knowing that was Hunter's way of saying 'keep Kiki out'. Kikimora grumbled in annoyance as Belos and Hunter left the room. 

I began falling apart the moment the door closed. 

"Really, child, I wonder how you got this position if you can't control your curse in a simple meeting" Kikimora shot at me, making me wince as she described my autism as a curse.

Eber came to me, growling at Kiki before yipping at me, rolling around. Uncle Eber always tried to help me stim, but I couldn't right now. I had to hold it together.
"Princess, we're a safe space. Let it out" Uncle Dari stepped to me, holding me tight as I burried my face in his chest. Struggling before it finally broke, that wall keeping my screams in crumbled as I screamed into his cloak. I only got about 2 screams out before I forced myself off of him, calming down but still shaking. 
Nini came over, lifting my chin.

"You bit your lip again... I'm thinking you need a mouth guard for these meetings..." they sighed, having Hetti step over and heal me, despite me violently shaking my head and whimpering.
Uncle Eber came back over, hopping around me, beckoning me to jump with him. But then Emperor Belos entered the room again, all of us scrambling back to our places.

"You all... are dismissed... except you" he pointed to me, Nini growing worried, about to oppose before Uncle Dari took their arm and dragged them out.

"Your behavior during the meeting concerns me, young one... is this what you deem acceptable?"
"Uncle! She can't-"
"Silence, let the Silver Soldier speak" I could feel his cold stare on me, Hunter standing at attention when he was silenced.

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