Chapter 23

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Mipha's POV:

We all got on the hayride, myself grimacing as I didn't like how the hay felt.
"Honey, can I sit on your lap? The hay is bothering me" He nodded, holding me as I sat sideways, so I could still see him. 

"I hope you're all prepared for a truly scary ride!" Vee's old friend spoke, Willow and Gus bouncing in their spots.
"Make us cry! Make us cry!"
"Please don't make us cry" I whispered, Hunter holding me tighter in response. 

"Because there's nothing scarier... than KNOWLEDGE!" I raised a brow, trying not to laugh at how pathetic that sounded.
"BOOOO! JUST LIE TO ME!" Gus cried as the tractor began to pull us along. The innitial jolt of movement startling me and making me hug Hunter.

"Welp, Mipha's already scared" Luz joked, making me laugh in embarrasment. 
"Let me tell you of the eeriest unsolved mystery of Gravesfield: The tale of the Brother's Wittebane" My pupils shrank, my heart feeling like it was going to suffocate as I realised what was about to happen.

"Wittebane... isn't that Belos?" Amity asked Luz as Hunter's arms wrapped tighter around my waist. 
"I don't like where this is going..." I whispered, Hunter looking down at me with a frown.
"Yeah... I don't either..." I nuzzled into him, regulating my breathing, feeling him begin to copy me and calm down himself.

"The year is 1613, two orphaned brothers arrive in Gravesfield. Their names? Philip, and Caleb" I whimpered, feeling Hunter freeze at Calebs mention, Luz didn't look too good either. 
"Oh no..." He sighed, looking to the displays as I wanted to jump off this ride and run.

"Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother, they tried to fit in with this town and it's unsavory practices. They became- Witch Hunters!" 
"No no no..." I held onto Hunter's sweater, feeling him kiss my head.
"It's ok... breath through it, I've got you" He rubbed my arm, trying to help me as the dreams I had began flashing through my head.

"Local lore suggests that the brothers Wittebane met a REAL witch from another world! Her name... was Evelyn!" Hunter looked down at me, extremely worried as I stared at the puppet above us. I felt myself slip further and further out of control.
"Stay with me, it's ok, here-" Hunter gently placed my necklace near my mouth, letting me begin to chew on it to help ground me.

"The older brother was spirited away! She dazzled him with magic and visions of a strange yet beautiful place!  They used a secret code to travel between worlds!"
"The portal..." I whispered, just quiet enough where Hunter didn't hear me.

"Philip set off to save his brother, and bring the witch to justice- but none, were ever seen AGAIN!" I got off of Hunter, him and Luz growing concerned as I stared behind us at the show.

'What a nice story... I wish it held the truth about me' I heard a woman call in my head, making me look around.
"Woah... Mipha your eyes just changed colors for a second" Hunter reached for me, but stopped when I flinched. 

"Maybe Philip saved his brother, and they went on to lead peaceful lives. Or maybe he's still chasing his brother, caught in a cycle of horror and strife!" The girl called, moving a flashlight to underlight her face to add to the creepy factor. 
I was shaking, beginning to feel like I wasn't in my own body anymore.

'It's ok, you're a Clawthorne, and we're strong! Just stay with him, he'll help you' I heard again, looking to Hunter, who looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack himself.

"Sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset, but- that's just me" she giggled as the ride came to a stop, myself wasting no time in getting off and pacing circles. 

"Who are you... why can I hear you in my head?" I whimpered, pulling at my hair as Hunter came and hugged me.

"Are you ok? What happened?" He asked, turning me to look at him.
"I-I'm hearing voices! I think it's Evelyn" I hugged him, burrying my face into his neck.

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