Chapter 8

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Hunter's POV:

I rolled around in bed, unable to sleep. I glanced over to the bird, annoyed by it's presence as it sat on my desk. 

'Hunter? Are you awake?' I jolted, startled by Mipha's voice as I took hold of the gem on my bracelet.
'Yeah, I'm up, what's up Meephs?'
'Can you... sleep in my room tonight? I don't want to be alone, and Nini is at the Owl House' 
'Sure, give me 5 minutes' I exhaled, pulling myself from bed as I grabbed my mask and cloak and slipped them on. Just because the human knows my face, doesn't mean all the scouts need to.
The bird chirped, landing on my shoulder.

"Do you really have to follow me everywhere I go?" I was only met with it chirping again as I groaned, rolling my eyes.
"Fine, but hide!" I scolded, the bird going underneath my cloak. I opened the door, looking both ways as I walked down the hall towards the stairs.

"Golden Guard!" I turned, watching a scout run to me.
"Yes?" I spat, wanting this to be done with.
"We heard of the crash in Latissa! Is the Silver Soldier really... dead?" my heart stopped, despite knowing she was fine, the thought that everyone was informed otherwise made me uneasy.

"She's alive, and well. Thanks for the concern" They nodded, bowing quickly before running off, letting me walk in peace. I got upstairs, walking a ways further before I knocked on Raine's door.
A few moments passed, before the doorknob jiggled. I smiled as Mipha's face peeked from the cracked door, giving me a smile as she opened the door, tilting her head to let me in.

"You ok?" She shook her head, huddled in her blankets as she walked to a room, motioning for me to follow. We walked in, and I was greeted with sky blue walls, a desk, closet, bed, and bedside table.
I've never been in here before, let alone Mipha's bedroom. 
She climbed onto her bed, sitting cross legged and patting the spot next to her.

"Mipha? You can tell me what's wrong, ya know" I took her hand, realising I didn't have my gloves on.
"Your hands are soft" she mumbled, rubbing her thumb against the back of my hand.
"Ah, you're not all there, are ya?" She nodded, letting me know she wasn't fully aware right now. I scooted closer, wrapping her in a hug.

"Mask and cloak..." I oblidged, removing them, seeing the bird huddled in the heap of fabric as I put it on the floor. She snuggled into me, before the bird came out from my cloak, flying to us and jumping around the bed.
"Birdy!" She smiled, making my heart swell.
"Yeah, turns out he chose me as his holder... but I'm not sure what to do with him... If Belos found him he would freak!" I muttered, watching the bird hop around.
"Celeste, come meet your friend" Mipha smiled, turning to the corner of the room as Celeste jumped from her little perch, landing on the floor as the bird went to see her. They talked, before nuzzling together.

"Was Belos mad?" she was whispering, another sign she wasn't quite out of her mind yet.
"Yeah, I'm on castle arrest for a while, Kiki's got our missions now aparently" I shrugged, stroking her hair, making her squish into me, sighing happily.
"Nini won't let me leave the castle either... and they're at mom's, she called and they started yelling at eachother, so they went to see her... I ruined everything"
"No... no you didn't... if anything, Kikimora wrecked everything, and I'm sorry that I didn't protect you" She moved away from me, scooching into the corner and hugging her knees.

"I'm tired of everyone trying to protect me, I can protect myself... Nini told me not to leave the room, I hate it... they're treating me like I'm 5 again! I just want to feel like a person" She held tears back as I looked to our palisman, watching them sleep peacefully.
"You have to see it from their perspective... they were told you were dead, they just want to keep an eye on you for a bit" I tried to enlighten her, but she just grumbled.
"They said I can't leave the castle until AFTER the day of Unity! How dumb is that?!" She cried, shaking before I pulled her back to me, leaning against the wall and holding her to my side.

A Little Different (Golden Guard x !Austistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now