Chapter 5

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Mipha's POV:

"Are you sure about this? What if it doesn't like me?" I sighed, looking at Nini as we walked up to the Owl House. 
"They'll love you, even Belos agreed to let you keep it so long as it doesn't cause trouble. Like a service animal for you. I really think they'll help you out" They smiled, pushing the last bush away as we walked to the house, knocking on the door as Hooty wrapped me in a hug and smiled. 

Hooty has learned to stay quiet around me, knowing how it can really throw me off. I appreciate Hooty's efforts.
"They're all around back, Hoot hoot!" I nodded, petting Hooty before running around to the back of the house, Nini just walking as I saw mom and Lilith throwing a grudgby ball back and forth while Luz and King were flying in circles in the sky.

"Hey mom!" I yelled to her, waving my hand as she smiled, tossing the ball at a confused Lilith, which ended up just hitting her in the face.
I ran over, jumping into her arms as she held me tight in her arms.

"Oh Owlet, I'm so glad you're safe!" She nuzzled her face into my very poofy hair as I giggled.
"I should be saying that to you! I was so scared I had lost you!" 
"Ya can't get rid of me, kid. I'm Eda the Owl Lady!" She stood proud, kissing my head before turning to Lilith, who looked like she was frozen.

"Haha, you broke her" Nini laughed, hugging mom and kissing her.
"Never do that shit again" they scolded, mom laughing as Lilith stepped towards us.

"I feel like I've missed... SEVERAL chapters" She looked between mom and I, freaking out.
"Yeah well, didn't feel like putting her in danger, Lily, this is my daughter, Mipha" She pat my back, smiling as Lilith self destructed on the inside.

"I trained this child! I was training my niece?! When did you adopt her???" She stared at mom, her comment making Raine and Eda freeze as I snickered, knowing what was coming next.

"Adopted? Lilith I spent 16 hours pushing this kid out of me. I'm pretty sure adoption doesn't work when I literally had this kid inside me for 9 months" Mom shrugged, Lilith stammering as Nini was blushing profusely.
"How can you say that so nonchalantly?" They questioned, mom laughing once more.
"Because it breaks Lily, therefore it just comes naturally" I laughed at them as Lilith managed to gather her words.

"I have... an insane amount of questions on how-"
"Well when a woman and a non-binary witch love eachother very much-"
"NOT THAT KIND OF QUESTION EDALYN!" I covered my ears, wincing as Nini rubbed my back.

Lilith came to me, raising my head to look at her with the gentle hand on my chin.
"All this time, I had a niece... I always thought Raine just adopted you... Edalyn we're gonna talk about this later" She pointed to mom, all of us laughing before Luz and King landed.

"Que pasa?"
"Well I just found out I have a niece, what about you Hum- I mean, Luz" I gently removed Lilith's hand from my face, her perfume was always so strong.

"Mom, can I carve a palisman?"
"Can you?! Come on Owlet, let's get carving!" She took my hand, gently leading me inside and onto the couch.

She walked to Hooty, getting the wood from him with a grimace on her face, shaking any debris off as she sat next to me and grabbed some tools.
"Now, what were you thinking of carving?" I took my book out of my messenger bag, flipping the pages and stopping on one of a snowy owl.
"They're my favorite animal" I smiled, running my hand across the page.
"this is a wonderful drawing, Mipha, I love it. It's super detailed, and you got every angle! A perfect reference, now, let's start with slow, small cuts, alright?" I nodded my head, taking a chisel and beginning to carve with mom guiding my hands.

I ended up laying on her, sitting on her lap as we sat sideways on the couch. She was guiding my hands, helping me make the right cuts as I smiled, enjoying how it felts and how smooth each cut went. 

I was really enjoying this quiet time with her. It seemed Hooty and Nini were keeping people out of the house to keep it quiet for me. I was humming Raine's Rhapsody, in which mom took out a tape player and played it while we worked on it. Soon enough, Nini came inside and watched mom and I carving for a while. Maybe like 2 hours of carving, it was done. 

"So... what now?" I held it in my hand, looking at how much detail I actually managed to get into it.
"Now, tell it it's ready, and it'll wake up for you" I stared at it, moving to sit normally, mom and Nini on either side of me.
"Uhm... what if it doesn't like me?" Nini hugged me, shaking me lightly.
"How could it not?"
"Well a lot of people don't like me cause I'm weird" Mom snorted, joining the side hug.
"Weird is good, weird means you aren't boring. Now, let it meet you" She reassured me as I held my breath, before exhaling.

"Ok, you can wake up now" in an instant, the wood began to glow, unfurling one wing, then the other, before the little owl stretched and yawned, opening its big yellow eyes and looking at me. 
I gasped, smiling as it turned its head upside down, nuzzling into my hands as I giggled at how soft it was.

"Hello" I whispered, it leaned to me, nuzzling my cheek and hooting softly. 
"Well, what will you name it?" Mom nudged me, Owlbert flying over to see them.

I thought for a minute, before looking into it's eyes.
"Hello Celeste" it hooted at the name, flapping its wings and landing on my shoulder, nuzzling into my cheek as I laughed.
"Celeste, meet Owlbert" Mom let her palisman hop to me, both owls talking to eachother before flying into the air and zooming around the living room.

"Well there we go, you've got your palisman! Wanna start lessons? Lilith and I can teach ya" Mom smiled as I nodded, calling Celeste to me as we began to walk back outside to the backyard.

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