Chapter 21

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Mipha's POV:

I was cooking, smiling as Celeste came to my side, landing on my rounding belly. I smiled, removing the soup from the heat and pouring it into 2 different bowls, before I saw the door open. He came through the door, covered in dirt as he dusted his hair off, that one strand of hair bouncing back to it's place as he leaned on the wall, breathing out.

"Hello darling, long day?"
"Like you wouldn't believe, fire bees chased me into a dirt mound! Flapjack was of no help" I laughed, kissing his cheek as Flapjack gave a sassy tweet, joining Celeste on the counter.
"That's what you get for feeding him glowberries last night, darling" I giggled, he came and swept me off my feet, before crouching down and kissing my stomach.

"How's my little princess today? Treating her mother well?" He mused, placing another kiss on the fabric before standing and kissing me softly.
"She's been kicking all day"
"I wish she would be more active when I'm here... maybe she doesn't like me..."
"She loves you, I promise" I embraced him, before we seperated at a harsh banging on our front door. 

"I know that knock... Evelyn, go into the cellar, he's probably not here to have a friendly chat" He turned back to me, kissing me one last time.
"Be careful, Caleb" 


I shot up, before snapping my head to Hunter, seeing him sound asleep. I checked the time, it was 8am, we fell asleep around 5...

I've been having that dream for weeks now...

Who is Evelyn?
And... why did that Owl look so much like my palisman? They shared the same name... Flapjack was there too... I've never been in that house before.
Who is... Caleb?

I looked back at Hunter, his soft snores forcing a smile to tug at my lips.
This dream is driving me crazy... what is it trying to tell me?
I thought for a moment, before realising something. I grabbed the witch hunter book, the second half of it was supposedly a journal belonging to someone named Caleb, but it's all in code... I keep skimming through it, ignoring it... maybe it's worth another look after all...


We were all sitting back in the clubhouse, Amity coming inside. Hunter's been sewing all morning, new found inspiration from the book. We're only one chapter from the end... yeah, he and I didn't go to bed. 
"Alright, Luz is at her mom's vet clinic putting tiny little bandages on... hedge-hogs...? So today, we are going into town to solve this code!" Amity commanded, making me confused as I continued flipping through the witch book.
"Right! Celeste and Flapjack found this scroll thing in the floor! It's why they were pecking at the wood" Gus smiled, making me happy he was treating me normally now. I furrowed my brows, looking at Celeste.

"Cell? Why didn't you tell me?" Celeste shrugged her wings, before Amity cleared her throat.

"We're wasting time! Let's get going!"
"Ears!" Gus hid his ears in his hat, everyone else hiding it in their hair while I slid my headphones on. 
"Snacks, check!" Willow flashed her satchel of snacks, making me slightly hungry. She had poki, I only liked the frosting on the sticks, but I still liked eating them. 
"Human disguise? Check!" Hunter stepped from the door, wearing a costume from Cosmic Frontier, I smiled wide, recognizing it as Chief Engineer O'Bailey.

"Oh that is a look!" Willow snapped a photo of Hunter as I began shaking from how happy I was, careful not to lose my place in my book.
"According to Cosmic Frontier, THIS is what the modern human man wears!" He did a little spin, showing off the outfit as Vee took the book.
"This was made in the 90's about the year 2008..." She grimaced, Hunter laughing and stating he was excited for that New Years party. I obviously knew it was long past that year, but I was so happy seeing him act like the man I got to know outside of missions at the castle. 

"Did you get to the last chapter?"
"O'Bailey is still hiding the fact that he's a duplicate in hyper disguise! And of course Princess Ruto is the only one who seems to see through his act! But Captain Avery is figuring it out!"
"I think he already knows, since-"
"AP-BUP BUP NO NO NO SPOILERS!" Hunter covered his ears, making me smile again as I returned to reading. I began re-reading something about something called arebus, a bunch of pictures made to form words, the people of Old Gravesfield would use it to hide valuable objects. I've read this book front to back, at least 20 times, but each time I read it, I find more things that... might be helpful to us.

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