Chapter 28

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Spoilers for Watching and Dreaming!
Read at your own risk!

I won't be writing the battle, it's far too complicated and I'm far too lazy. 
Happy Reading~

Hunter's POV:

We woke up, Amity had managed to make a light glyph and activate it. We looked around before Gus screamed.

"AH! Where the heck are we?!" We looked around. 
"These must be the archives..." Willow groaned, getting to her feet before Gus and I spoted Camila.
"Camila! Willow help me get her down!" Gus and Willow summoned their palisman before Amity gasped.
"Guys... Where's Luz?!" We all looked around, realising Luz wasn't with us.

"She must be with Eda and King... which also means she's also probably with the Collector..." Gus sighed as I rubbed his shoulder, before I remembered.
"Mipha! Where is she?! She's gotta be here!" I began looking around, desperately searching for the sky blue hair she had. 
The image of her puppet form was haunting me, it's all I can think of as I search the walls from our spot in the room. It seems like this room is endless.

"Hunter she may not be-"
"SHE HAS TO BE! Willow she has to be in here! She has- She has to!" I began to cry, falling to my knees as no matter how hard I looked, I just couldn't see her. Willow came and hugged me, myself feeling her tears soak into my shirt.

"I wanna find my dads... but there's hundreds of dolls here... We won't find them" she sobbed, prompting Gus to come over and hug us as well.

"I miss my dad too..." he whimpered as Amity came over and hugged us as well before we all got up and started walking around, searching for our families. Everything seemed calm until all of a sudden glowing orbs floated down to us. Willow and Gus were mounting their staff's to get Camila as they floated down passed us and towards the depths of the archives.

"W-What... is this?" Amity questioned as I looked up and saw Camila crying, telling me all I needed to know.

Luz is gone...

But I couldn't tell the other's... I can't do that to them.

Willow and Gus got Camila down and got a light glyph down to her face, changing her back as she groaned.

"She's waking up!"
"Wha... What's happening? Where's Luz?" We all got nervous, no one but me knowing the truth. Gus helped Camila up to sit as we thought of what to say before the whole building began to shake and crumble. 
Amity tried to use her abomination but it faltered and fell all over her.

"Wh-What's wrong with my magic?"
"Can't you tell? You're exhausted!" Camila helped Amity up before turning to us.

"You all are! None of you have gotten rest in days!"
"But what can we do? We can't leave them all like this!"
"And... what about Luz?" I asked after Willow, hoping Luz could be alive. Now that I thought more about it, there's no way Luz would go down without fighting.
She can't really be dead.
I was stupid for thinking that she was really gone.

"Luz is a Noceda! You know what that means? It means she's WAY too stubborn to let any of this to get her down!" Camila walked away from us for a moment, letting out a sigh.

"She'll be ok... in the mean time... I think I know how we can help even without your magic!" We all smiled as she held up a pen and a pad of paper, she started drawing glyphs, giving them to us as I kept looking for Mipha as we went.
We began saving any dolls that fell from the shelves, everything crumbling around us, dodging and weaving through the falling debris.

Amity caught a doll just as a piece of the cieling came crashing down, Willow blasted it with fire and saved her just in time. I ran to Camila, getting more ice glyphs before I saw Gus fall from his staff, he caught himself and a doll with a glyph and I made a slide to catch Emiline. I don't want anyone getting hurt right now. 
All of a sudden the entire building began to feel like it was falling, making all of us lift off the ground and begin falling.
We screamed out in fear before all of a sudden it stopped and we were perfectly fine. We looked up to see the Collector holding the archives up.

"The Collector...?" I asked, looking to Willow.
"Is he...?" 
"He's helping!" Gus cheered as we continued to try and help all the puppets in this place.

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