Chapter 11

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Mipha's POV:

"That... THAT was awful- ACHOO!" I sneezed, going into a coughing fit as Hunter pat my back.
"Well, that Slitherbeast was tough, but we got it... Want me to report to my uncle?"
"No, I better come this time" I groaned, wiping my face with a tissue and readjusting my mask.

We walked through the castle doors, Celeste resting on my shoulder while Flapjack hid inside Hunter's cloak. 
"Hang on, I gotta-" I sneezed again, groaning before removing my helmet.
"Oh wow, you've got... hang on I'll get it" He brushed some dust off my head. This common mold was lasting forever, but I didn't want to miss my patrols and missions with Hunter. Since his mission to Eclipse Lake, Belos has been letting us on missions again. Small ones, but it works. 
I was back in the castle, Nini was getting ready for the coven parade today, and Mom wanted me to stay close and keep an eye on Belos, so back in the castle I go. 

"Emperor Belos sir, we're happy to report the mission was a success" Hunter smiled, both of us kneeling before him. Obviously I had but my helmet and hood back on.
"Wonderful, in light of the parade, I am granting you both the rest of the day off. Enjoy the parade" He smiled at us, before turning back towards the portal door. I still wasn't quite used to seeing Belos without his mask. Still... something about him always made me uneasy.

"Thank you, Uncle. Let's go, Mipha" Hunter stood, helping me up as I surpressed a sneeze, this causing Belos to look at us again.
"Hunter, is one of you sick?" He stepped forward, a look of... genuine concern on his face. This man gives me way too many mixed signals.

"Uh... Mipha is... she's had the common mold for a few days, she's having trouble shaking it. B-But I assure you! She's getting better! She managed to-"
"Worry not, no punishments are needed for something so natural as the common mold. Perhaps Mipha should return to her quarters while you head into town for the parade" He suggested, standing in front of me.

"But Uncle, Raine is in the parade, Mipha wanted-"
"Let her speak for herself, nephew. Mipha, do you feel well?" He looked to me, gently touching my chin and lifting my face to him.

"I uh... I'm ok Emperor Belos... I've always had a weaker immune system, it takes longer for me to beat illnesses. I'd like to go to the parade and see Nini..." I mumbled, trying to retain eye contact, but failing as my nerves pulsed through my body, making me uneasy. 
"Alright, but please, the Titan would be displeased if something ill were to befall either one of you, you are dismissed" He offered a smile, turning on his heel and walking from us. I sneezed again, Hunter holding my forearm and gently pulling me from the room and into the main hall.

"Why did we have to go to the knee of all places today, it's too cold" I sniffled, trying to keep myself lucid as we walked. 
"Mipha, maybe you should rest, after the other day... even though you're better, you're still sick" 
"What happened the other day? I just remember mom forcing me into bed and trying to drown Luz and Amity cause they kept my scroll from me" I grumbled, Hunter opening my door and letting me in, both of us sitting on the couch.

"Hunter, you're hurt. And back to the other day, what did I do?" I offered him a smile as he rolled up his sleeve, revealing the full wound. The Slitherbeast managed to scratch him when I tripped on the ice. 
"You made me kiss your cheeks in return for you eating soup. You also..." he trailed off, wincing as I moved some water from the sink onto his cut, cleansing it. 
"I also what?" I focused, moving the water around and through the gash, getting everything out.
"You also said you loved me- AGH!" I gapsed, watching the water shoot into his face. He coughed, spitting the water on the floor.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't... Holy Titan!" I cried, helping him sit back up and pulling the water off his body and throwing it into the sink again. 

"No! No! It's fine... but what are you apologizing for?... the water or... or saying you... love... me...?" I stared at him, trying to find my words.
"The... the water... I guess I... wow, I outed myself" I breathed out, placing my hand on my forehead, before deciding to continue with Hunter's arm wound. 
"Well if I'm being honest... Hooty outed you, then your mom let it slip" He shrugged, my face heating up.

"Hey uh... your ears are doing the angry twitching thing again... are you mad at me?" I bandaged his arm, patting it before beginning to feel that control struggle I had when I was overwhelmed. I began biting my hand, making Hunter groan.

"Meephs, stop biting your hands, did you lose your pendants?" I nodded, leaning into him as he wrapped one of my weighted blankets around me.
"I lose at least one per mission... but... no I'm not mad at you, more annoyed with Hooty and mom" I shrugged, snuggling into my blanket.
"Mipha... I'm not good with these emotions, I'm not used to them-"
"Me neither, which is why I confided in Hooty... I don't... think I'm ready for something like that, I'm not... I'm not normal" I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"Mipha... you're just a little different, I don't care about your autism or whatever... You're you, and that's all that matters to me, but yeah, I don't think I'm ready either. Maybe after the Day of Unity" He smiled, hugging my side. 
"After the Day of Unity sounds great... I'm gonna get changed, then we can head to the parade and see Nini" I smiled, nudging him and standing up. I went into my room, letting Celeste rest on her perch as I grabbed my red dress. It was almost identical to moms, but not as tattered, it also has mom's gem thing, but it was a necklace for me to chew on, I loved it. Uncle Dari made it for me.

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