Chapter 12

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Mipha's POV:

I was doing elemental magic, training by myself. I was manipulating everything around me. I wasn't really doing anything dangerous. I was more relaxing. Raising the ground, sliding through the sand and smiling. I walked through some fire rings I made, before swinging some water around to put them out. I wasn't keen on using wind right now, manipulating air wasn't my strong suit.

"Mipha! Come on! We gotta go!" Nini called to me, Terra beside them. I don't like her, she follows Nini everywhere now. Luckily they use that whistling trick. 
"Coming Nini!" I called, shooting the dirt up and forming stairs, climbing them to reach them.
"What a show! You've got quite the strong little sapling here, Raine" Terra smiled, ruffling my hair.

"Happy Birthday, sweetheart" Nini handed me a box, I opened it, not really sure what was in it.
"Nini, I... can't see what these are..." I sighed, squinting my eyes.
"Well it's a good thing you're getting your glasses today, isn't it?" They smiled, taking my hand as we walked. Celeste hooting and trying to guide me around as well. 

"Why is my eyesight so bad now? I used to see perfectly!" I groaned, walking with them outside the castle.
"Well, sometimes people lose their sight over time, I was born with it, but my mother's eyesight didn't go out till she was about your age" Nini pulled me along before Terra left us, saying she would leave us to it. 
"So... what was in the box?"
"Earrings, you said you wanted to get a few piercings, so I thought I would take you to get some, be your own witch" They shrugged, before we finally got inside the optomitrists.

"Hi, we're here for Mipha Whisper's appointment" I nodded smiling as we got lead into another room. The doctor was speaking, but I wasn't really listening. I was tired, and everything was blurry. 
I got blinded by a light, groaning before something was placed on my face, when I opened by eyes, I could see again.

"Woah..." I looked around, my eyes landing on Nini.
"Is that alright now?" I nodded, raising the box from my bag and looking at the earrings. Two circular black studs, and one cylyndrical black stud. They were pretty. 

"Well, thank you doctor, Mipha, ready?" I nodded again, biting at my fingers as we walked.
"Hey, don't bite, here" They handed me another pendant, letting me chew on it as I got used to the glasses.

"How do I look? I'm tired, and feel... weird" I adjusted them on my face, looking around. Everything was so clear again as we walked.
"You look fine, you ready to go to your mom's?" I smiled wide, nodding my head and began running to the forest, Nini running behind me.

"Mipha! Slow down sweetie!" They called to me, laughing with me. I kept running until I finally made it to the Owl House, knocking on the door.
It opened, revealing mom.

"There she is! Happy Birthday Owlet!" She hugged me, letting Nini and I in. 

"Ready to pierce holes in your ears?" Mom laughed as I nodded. 
"Well, I gotta head back to the castle, BAT's meeting. Sweetheart, be good, your uncles will visit tomorrow, and I'll pick you up in the morning, love you" They kissed my cheek, making me smile.
"See you, Nini" I smiled, mom standing up and kissing Nini.

"Catch ya later, Raine-storm" I smiled as they kissed again, Nini leaving.

***time skip of a few hours***

Mom, Luz, and King were out in the night market. I was laying on the couch with Celeste and Hooty. 

"Got any 5's?" I shook my head, Hooty drawing another card and placing it on the music stand he was using to hide them from me.
"Got any... got any 4's?" Hooty nodded, handing me 5 cards.

"Ha! You win again! How about we-" Hooty was cut off by mom bursting through the door with King. Followed by-

"Flapjack? What are you doing here, buddy?" I frowned, Flapjack flying to Celeste and chirping panickly.
"Celeste? Mom, what's going-"
"Hooty! Lock down the house! Curtains, windows, NO distractions! Hurry!" Mom yelled, making me wince. 

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