Chapter 9

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Mipha's POV:

"You wished to see me, Silver Soldier?" Emperor Belos stood to me, looking through his mask as I stood before him, my nerves burning me.
"Yes, I wanted to know how the search for Nini.... I mean, Raine, was going?" I spoke clearly, trying to stay professional as I felt myself on the verge of tears.

Nini was missing for a week now, no one will tell me anything. 
I know what Belos is going to say, Nini still hasn't been found... I hear it every day

"They were found, and are being brought back to the castle. You may cease your worrying" My ears perked up at those unexpected words as tears began leaking from the bottom of my mask, blinding me.
"Thank you!" I smiled, sucking in a breath before leaving the throne room. I ran up the stairs and past the scouts, who just seemed startled by me running past them so suddenly.

"Meephs! Just the person I wanted to see! This morning I talked to Uncle about missions, and he wants me to stay here, but here's the deal! I'm going to Eclipse Lake to get Titan's blood! Why not come with me?" Hunter called to me as he left his room, running to catch me.
"Can't barrier spell. But that seems risky" we walked as I spoke, catching my breathe as I made my way up to my room. Hoping Nini will be there.

"Right, forgot Raine did that to you. But it is risky! But when I get the blood, I'll be usefull again! Then I can go on missions again and make my predecessor's proud! I promise I'll be careful, but I gotta go" He hugged me, before letting go and running off, leaving me there, highly confused.

He's going to Eclipse Lake by himself? Thats practically suicide...

I shrugged it off, telling myself Hunter can survive anything, and walked around the final corner, reaching the door.
My heart fell into the pit of my stomach, realizing the last time I saw Nini, I told them I hated them... I was just angry, and hurt. Uncle Dari helped me calm back down, but by then, Nini was already missing. I hadn't heard anything from mom either. A few days ago, she went live on Penstagram, aparently I have King as my brother now, and I'm super happy, but I wish I could see them and celebrate.
Mom hasn't answered my messages, not even reading them. 
I swallowed my nerves, turning the doorknob and entering. An overwhelming nauseas feeling settled in my stomach as I saw Nini on the couch, drinking some tea with Terra Snapdragon standing in front of them.

"Nini?" I stepped to them, Terra turning to me.
"Sprout! Is this your little sappling? How adorable! I've heard wonderous things!" She clapped her hands, walking to me and touching my face, tilting my cheek left and right, examining me.
"Terra, this is Mipha, my daughter" Nini smiled, standing up and looking to me, I gently stepped away from Terra, running to Nini and hugging them.

"I'm so sorry! I never meant what I said! I don't hate you!" I cried, Nini hugging me back and running a hand through my hair.
"It's ok, sweetheart... but... when did you say that?" I lifted my head, Nini kneeling to reach my eye level.
"Last week? We fought and I said I hated you... but I swear, I didn't mean it, Nini..." I tried jogging their memory, but they only looked more confused.

"You'll have to excuse them, Sappling... they were in an accident, and they've forgotten a few things. Worry not! They will be right as rain soon! Ha, rain... Raine... Oh, I'm good!" I let out a nervous chuckle as Terra stood there, watching us.

Nini was in an accident?

"What accident?"
"Oh no need to worry about that! They're fine! See you soon, Sprout, and have a good day" She waved with her fingers, leaving our room before Nini collapsed on the couch. 
"Nini... what happened?" I sat next to them, tears pricking my eyes before Nini smiled, removing their glasses and setting them on the table.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just acting... I accept your apology, sweetheart. A lot happened, and Terra thinks she has me brain washed, but I know a trick, and will be fine" they ruffled my hair, before slopping wiping my tears, squinting their eyes.
"A-acting? Brainwashed... Nini what happened?! Does it have anything to do with mom?!" I pleaded, they put their glasses back on and scooted closer, hugging me tight.

"I promise I'll explain... it's a bit of a story" they sighed, squeezing me in their arms as I snuggled into their touch, happy to be in their secure hold again.

A week prior...

Raine's POV:

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