Chapter 20

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Mipha's POV:

Everyone was inside the clubhouse, practicing spanish while I was in the basement cleaning up Hunter's sewing supplies. He's made quite the mess, but it's ok, he's having a lot of fun sewing. I love watching him have so much fun like this, I've noticed he's smiling a lot more now. I think he's found home here in the human realm, and if he wants to stay here when this is all over, I'm willing to work out a way to stay together. If he's happy, I don't want to take that from him.

"Sandia! I have to go get Luz from school! You want to come?" I smiled, running up the stairs and going outside with Camila. We made our way to the clubhouse to tell the others. I've grown to love car rides, they're my favorite activity right now. We got to the door, smiling at my drawing of Hooty on the door before Camila opened the door.

"Hi! Ooooh! I like what you've done with the place! No more exposed nails, possum nests, but this still confuses me..." Camila opened the door further, revealing Hooty.
"Yeah... he still confuses us too- But Mipha and Luz seem to like him" Willow shrugged as Gus stood proudly.
"Hola Camila! We're learning spanish from this scary owl app!" he held the tablet up, listening to it threaten us as I slinked back towards the door frame. I saw Celeste and Flapjack pecking at the wood on the floor. They've been doing that every time we're in here, I don't quite understand what they're doing. 

"Oh... ok! Well, Mipha and I are gonna pick up Luz from school. Pop Quiz! Como se dice eso en espanol?" Hunter got super excited, standing up and breathing in.
"voy a... Luz... es... esquela?" he stuttered out, making me giggle and walk over to him.
"voy recoger a Luz de la escuela" Vee smiled, Hunter beginning to pout. 

"Moi bueno! Keep it up! Mipha, ready to go?" I nodded, before quickly turning back to Hunter.
"Diste lo mejor de ti, te amo" I kissed his lips before waving and heading out the door with Camila.
"Oh dear, I never expected to be a mother of 7" Camila sighed, making me laugh as we got into the car and went on our way. I loved the ride, watching everything go by as we approached the school. 
"Mipha, we're just going to get takeout tonight, is Chinese ok?" I nodded, bouncing my leg as I watched the scenery wiz by. 

"Do you want to go to your meeting tonight? Or do you want to skip it?"
"Skip it... I haven't been enjoying them lately" Camily nodded, a slight frown on her face.
"Hooty is my big brother... he's loud and clingy, but at least he doesn't cheat at cards... I miss him..." I sighed, catching Camila off guard.
"The Owl I painted on the door, that's my older brother, Hooty"
"Ooh, gotcha, caught up with ya now, Sandia" 
"Why do you call me a watermelon?"
"Because that's the first food I managed to get you to eat here. Now tell me more about your family, you seem to like talking about them" I breathed out, remembering all the memories I was able to make with mom and my brothers before the Day of Unity. For only have the 2 months together, we got a lot of bonding done. 

"Eda, the one Luz mentions all the time, she's my mom... she and Nini had me after they found out mom was pregnant shortly after they broke up. Mom has a curse, and she didn't want me to be put in danger, so she made Nini take me and raise me on their own in the castle. I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 3, and I had my Uncles... Uncle Dari was the head of the Abomination Coven, and Uncle Eber was the head of the Beast Keeping Coven-"
"And covens were like careers?"
"Yeah, except a lot more permanent... Uncle Dari and I would have spa days, and Uncle Eber would watch cartoons with me... then a few months ago I met mom... I carved Celeste with her after her petrification, and then I spent time with Aunt Lily, she always rambles about architecture, I liked it. Mom and I spent a lot of time with her teaching me magic, since I had trouble with it before she started teaching me. Because of her, I know elemental magic, and I became pretty strong... My older brother, Hooty, is a house demon, kind of like an Owl tube. He's loud, and very clingy, but it's because he's lonely. He and I will play cards, take naps, and watch cartoons" I smiled, beginning to trace shapes on the window as we got closer to the school, watching other cars heading for the same place.

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